Home / How to disguise pimples on the face — learn to gloss over them

How to disguise pimples on the face — learn to gloss over them

kak zamaskirovat pryshi na liceFirst and foremost, I must say, pimples on the face should be treated. For proper treatment it is crucial to find out the cause of acne. You may need to consult a endocrinologist who will be able to find out whether acne changes in the body hormonal in nature. In addition, significantly improve condition of the skin proper diet, with limited fats and carbohydrates. And, of course, crucial proper care of the skin, cleansing it of excess fat and dirt that clog the pores and cause inflammation.

But all of the above and part thereof, of the day. What to do if a very important moment of our lives there was an unexpected evil pimple or a few? Here the question arises: "How to disguise pimples on your face?".

Some tips on masking pimples

First and foremost, you need to remember that to push acne is impossible in any case. This will only increase the inflammation area, leaving a trail of blood which will subsequently become a non-healing scar.

You can, of course, hoping to hide pimples on the face a thick layer of Foundation. But in this case the face will have an unnatural appearance, and you will hardly feel attractive on a date or important meeting. There are few easy tricks how you can cover up pimples and make them invisible.

First, make the zit smaller. To do this, take a very small piece of cotton wool (about 0.5 mm to 0 5 mm) and drip a few drops of product "visine". It has vasoconstrictor properties and dries the skin. Wet a piece of cotton placed in the freezer for a few minutes. During this time he will be covered with ice. Then apply this frozen cotton an absorbent pellet directly to the zit and leave for about 5 minutes. After this procedure, it is significantly reduced. If the eel is large enough, the process can be repeated again.

Gloss over cosmetics

Now you can begin to use makeup. Skillful application of cosmetics — a great disguise in case of unexpected skin rashes. Just keep in mind a few simple rules to use decorative cosmetics.

  1. First of all, the skin should be degreased and clean. For this you can use gel or tonic, tightens pores.
  2. As a basis, use low-fat cream. The effect will be better, if it is also contain anti-inflammatory components.
  3. Now on top of the basics you can apply concealer. His tone should be a little lighter the natural colour of your skin. The tonal color of the dark shade looks good only on healthy skin and the sore will look extremely ridiculous. Avoid pink hues as the pink color brings out all the flaws and defects of the skin.
  4. Do not use blush light pink tones. If you can't do without them – stay light brown shades.
  5. Take the camouflage pencil with a green tint (that it is great for masking) and in the center of the spot put the point. Then gently shaded the tool on the surface around the other side of the pencil Nude.
  6. Belowthe complexion was more homogeneous and had a matte finish, and are lightly powdered.
  7. Please refrain this time from bright lipstick shades. Bright color makes the areas where there are pimples, visually more inflamed.
  8. Try to shift the focus from face to eyes. Make them more expressive, then the pimples on face less noticeable.

This method of masking the hated acne has its drawbacks. Chief among them is the fragility. It takes a few hours, and again covered with fat by purchasing the Shine. The pimples in this case come out, and the General condition of the skin becomes worse than before applying makeup.

Select the right cosmetics

A little bit easier task and cope with such a problem a carefully selected cosmetics. It should be specifically for oily problem skin, contain anti-inflammatory components, vitamins and antioxidants. It is very important that the cosmetic composition was not included:

  • Saturated fats;
  • Chemical dyes;
  • Flavors;
  • Comedogene components.

For those who have problems with the skin, only hypoallergenic cosmetics on a natural basis. Of course, it is not cheap and not all stores can be purchased. But saving is good, do not deteriorate the condition of your face makeup, not only do we not hide any defects, pimples or acne, but can exacerbate the skin disease.

Thus, properly applied cosmetics can play the role of "emergency services" in cases when you need to quickly and thoroughly to disguise the pimples.