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How to care for problem skin at home?

uhod za problemnoj kozhej domaNot everyone can boast of good skin. Shine, acne, and other problems for many become a real obsession to get rid of that house. Care for problem facial skin consists of several stages, each of which is required and necessary. But the first thing to remember is, in any case can not press pimples, as it did not want. Because of this, on the face appear ugly scars, which then require costly resurfacing of the skin in the salon.

Problems with the skin for many teenagers it is a real punishment and additional systems, developing and rooting in the immature child's soul. But if these problems are serious enough, then you should definitely contact the doctor who will perform the examination and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

There are several things that can affect the formation of pimples or acne.

  • Improper diet: too much fatty, spicy and sweet.
  • Heredity or diseases of the skin, which is hereditary.
  • Incorrectly chosen cosmetics, causing irritation and rashes on the skin.
  • Puberty, got pimples will be held after the end of puberty.

Step one – cleansing

Remember that it is necessary twice a day to clean the face. It is best to use special products that contain boric alcohol. Of course, in the cosmetic stores offer a huge selection of lotions and cleansers, but nobody invented anything better than ordinary coal-tar soap. It is well disinfects and dries the skin. After washing, should wipe the face lotion or simply with an ice cube, frozen of mineral or boiled water. Or use folk remedies, such as the decoction of chamomile is a great antiseptic.

The second stage is the hydration

Although problem skin and is considered to be quite oily, it still needs moisturizing. After all when washing, or using lotions top layer of sebum to wash and it is best to moisturize it with special creams or light gels that are created specifically for oily skin. If possible, it is best to buy lanolin cream, which perfectly moisturize and nourish irritated skin.

Stage three – food

But do not forget that the care of troubled skin at home includes application of masks. Drying and nourishing mask, each of which will help not only to get rid of oily Shine, but will make the skin more matte and healthy.

You can buy special masks that are sold in cosmetic shops, but you can use folk remedies. First of all, it is much cheaper than buying expensive cosmetics, but in some cases more effective.

And selecting masks from vegetables or fruits, which are available to almost everyone, the question of how to care for your skin problems will disappear by itself.

Mask of zucchini or cucumbers

Small zucchini or cucumber RUB on a small grater andslip with a teaspoon of honey. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin of the face and neck for half an hour, then wash off with warm water and apply nourishing cream water-based.

Another option is the sliced cucumber to put on your face and to hold fifteen minutes. Then wipe face with a damp cloth soaked in a decoction of chamomile or St. John's wort.

The mask of cinnamon and lemon

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon to remove him with half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Then apply on face with light massage movements and leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and add whispers of citric acid.

It is important to remember that with daily care for problem skin you can get rid of acne and acne, making your face more attractive and young.

But most importantly, when severe problems with the skin it is best to consult a dermatologist, who will prescribe treatmentappropriate to the case. May have to revise the nutrition, to eliminate from the diet of fatty and spicy foods. Reduce consumption of sweets and chocolate, which affect the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of these nasty pimples.