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What in the ears pimples and how to treat them?

prysh v uhe (furunkul)Such a nuisance, like a pimple in the ear must have happened with everyone at least once.

Causes of

Very often the appearance of pimples or boils associated with a cold. However, the reasons for their appearance quite a lot:

  • Boil may appear on a background of weak immunity of the body;
  • Pimple in the ear can be the result of hypovitaminosis;
  • Light stage of acne may be symptoms of hormonal surge in the body;
  • Purulent inflammation can be the consequence of not complying with rules of hygiene;
  • Acne in the ear can be caused by mechanical impact on the skin of the ear (scratching ear with a pencil, hairpins and other sharp objects).

Sometimes, indeed, the inflammation behind the ear are the result of a cold, especially in spring or autumn, among the fans to walk in the windy and wet weather without a hat.

Signs of furunculosis

In this case, always the first signs of colds boils be – itch, skin redness and small swelling of the ear. With further development of the problems appear such symptoms as shooting pain in the ear, as well as fairly severe pain in the head. Moreover, these pain can radiate to the jaw or temple. As a result of running forms of furunculosis of the ear, the person becomes irritable, quick-tempered and very distracted, as the pain does not let him concentrate.

If the boils become frequent, you should pay attention to their health, and to conduct a thorough examination of the whole organism, as the cause may be a staph infection, which is contained in the blood. And, therefore, will not be applied until serious treatment, you do not get rid of boils not only in the ear but the entire body will not disappear.

How to treat?

In the treatment of severe disease is usually prescribed serious antibiotics, various anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that effectively relieves fever and pain. Effective antibiotics prescribed drugs such as tetracycline, rulid, erythromycin and others.

In severe cases prescribe a course of injections with an antibiotic or prescribed autohemotherapy.

The autohemotherapy is the treatment of boils, which consists in regular injections of his own blood, which is carried out every 48 hours.

The local treatment used moistened with boric alcohol turundy.

Thus, for treatment of boils should be treated with caution, as improper treatment can lead to quite acute inflammation of multiple follicles. In the case of such complications, carbuncles can be huge and very deep to hit the fabric. The removal of such inflammation will never go unnoticed, remain ugly scars. Therefore, when boils, it is easier to prevent its spread than to deal with its severe forms. And the most important rule is to pay attention to their health.