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Pimples under arms — it is easier to prevent than to treat!

pryshi pod myshkamiPimples under the armpits or hidradenitis may not deliver any discomfort.

Hidradenitis origin is an inflammation of the sweat glands and ducts are located in the axilla. Such inflammation provoke the formation of boils and painful abscesses. In particular cases, the inflammation can start to fester. Face it, for some reason, there are pimples under my arms, and what are the main ways of treatment?

The reasons for their occurrence

According to doctors, the common causes are:

  • Inflammation of the sweat ducts, located in the armpit;
  • Allergic skin use cosmetic products;
  • A weakened immune system.

Inflammation, which arose under the arms, tend to take on their own, however, if the process of their appearance and disappearance is repeated several times, and takes a systemic character, in this case, doctors ascertain the presence of such diseases as furunculosis.

Constant and excessive sweating also triggers the appearance of hyperhidrosis and it is from him that subsequently encounter an unpleasant smell, itching and redness and burning sensation and pimples. As the reason for their appearance under the armpits may be incorrectly matched cosmetic that was used after shaving the underarms and caused an allergic skin reaction.

The weakened immune response of the organism to various infections may result in painful inflammation under the arms.

How to get rid of acne under armpits

The mainstay of treatment of acne, and no matter where they came from, lies in the human body. To heal the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to research the cause of its occurrence. In the case of hidradenitis, you should start with the immune system. Strengthening of immunity is done with the help of intake of multivitamins, inclusion in the daily diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, and, of course, the rejection of bad habits.

If Your immune system is in order, but hated the acne all also bother you, then it's time to apply to combat them drugs or ointments. Remember, in any case not squeeze pimples under arms yourself, because this place will be able to remove them by a doctor. You own actions can only aggravate the situation.

So, what tools can help in the treatment of hidradenitis? The most common are: various antibiotics, ointment Vishnevsky, Contractubex, Zineryt, Differin.

Folk remedies

If You are a supporter of the national resources, then we can recommend the following recipes to combat pimples under arms:

  • Boiled sunflower oil to coat the inflamed place.
  • Wrap up of tobacco cigarettes a piece of gauze, dipped the sponge in a strong solution of potassium permanganate and to leave such a poultice on all night.
  • Goodmeans are decoctions of birch leaves and oak bark, which should be cleaned armpits instead of deodorant.
  • To get rid of the hated itching and burning you can use very diluted lemon juice and vinegar.

But we should not forget that all of these folk remedies effective in the treatment of mild disease. In severe boils still to self-medicate and delay the disease, after the boil can progress to a more serious disease.

The disease is easier to prevent than to treat — prevention

To the problem of acne under my arms did not arise again, worth careful with these delicate places.

  • In hot summer days carry out water procedures as often as possible in the winter time carry out hygienic procedures every day.
  • Daily shower in the morning and use only those deodorants that are right for You.
  • Before bedtime, as a preventive measure, be sure to apply on armpit special drug regulatory sweating, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.