Home / The story of Stas: to get rid of blackheads, you need to really want this and begin to act!

The story of Stas: to get rid of blackheads, you need to really want this and begin to act!

pobezhdaem pryshi i kompleksyFriends, your story of struggle with acne, I do not want to start suffering and lamentations about what a problem is for the person even jumped a couple of pimples, not to mention the more serious situations. However, my monologue will begin with the psychological aspects, there will be two. And I want everyone reading this to reflect on them, and sowed the seed of these ideas in my head.

First of all, Yes, you heard right, absolutely spit on all your faces, all except you. You inflate your problem to enormous proportions, causing one only harm. All your problems, cockroaches in the head, barriers in communication is your business. Don't believe? Remember how a couple of inflamed pimples you even at gunpoint would not go to have fun with friends, preferring to stay at home. As a closure, the constant frustration and discouragement? There is such a thing? Come on! Remember that most of your problems is a product of your own mind, you have to create them myself. Learn to control your thoughts, and hell, start to enjoy every moment of your life!

Second, in order to get rid of acne, you need to want to get rid of acne and start to act! Sounds funny? No, my friend, I'm not talking about finding the magic pill that the next morning will deliver you from all troubles. Set a goal and force yourself to go to it. Step by step, let each of them will be quite small, to get closer to your dream, and you can sit on the couch and doing nothing to grieve about unfair fate. What are your choices?

Can not believe it, but this is already half of success. Modern pharmaceutical industry offers a huge selection of different drugs influencing all the causes of acne, so coming up with a mind to solving the problem, doing meaningful, the right treatment, success was inevitable. Yes, it is worth to mention that no one, even the strongest medication will not be effective if you will bet only on it. To achieve significant results, it is necessary comprehensive treatment. Remember, what you do in the cold: only soar feet, or just drink anti-viral tea? No falling sick, we on all fronts to attack the ill-fated virus, which after a couple of days not a trace remains. In the fight against acne cases should be also.

On the market there are many proven, effective drugs: Baziron (and similar drugs based on benzoyl peroxide), Zineryt, Differin, Skinoren, Clinit, various antibiotics, medicines based on retinol, salicylic acid and many others. Correctly applying and combining that, you can get guaranteed results.

The main role in my story was played by Zener, who for all his faults, pretty quickly causes the skin, allowing you to continue to keep it in good condition by using other means. Zineryt contains an antibiotic that is very effective but prolonged use of the bacteria tend to adapt to it, so prolonged use may not yield the benefits thatyou get the first couple.

Also one of the most effective, tested by many people, me including, means is not effective. The decay of the contained oxygen in contact with the skin killing all acne causing the bacteria and eliminates blackheads. It is not addictive, and equally effective under all conditions, which allows to recommend it as a great universal tool.

Notice I did not attempt any credibility to traditional medicine. Most of my grandmother's advice not to have any effectiveness, and even can do more harm than good.

The only thing I advise to pay attention — it masks out of clay and stuff. Clay with regular use a very good scrub, evens out skin tone and improves its regeneration. The real stuff, the thing is quite specific, however it is an indispensable tool in the fight against post-acne marks and pimples.

My friend, I hope you take from this article what I want you to bring: nothing is impossible – roll up your sleeves, arm yourself with the necessary information (we will help you with that, for sure) and get to work! Road walking is given, remember that.