Home / Tindal — helps acne and saves you money

Tindal — helps acne and saves you money

cindol ot pryshej

The drug

Today for the solution of such problems as acne there is a fairly universal antiseptic Tindal to treat acne and redness of the skin. Thanks to active ingredients like glycerin, zinc oxide and auxiliary substances: ethanol, starch, and talc – slurry tindol quickly and acts effectively on the skin affected acne. The medication has quite a nice milky color and easy to apply.

Often the talker tindol used in chronic allergic dermatitis and other forms of severe skin reactions of allergic nature. This tool is absolutely safe as it contains only natural ingredients and is recommended for infants and women in pregnancy and lactation.

How to apply?

Before using the drug, doctors still recommend to check for an allergic reaction to elbow his arm. If you have any burning or itching of the skin, it should not be used.

If you are sensitive to the drug, it should special cotton swab apply on the problem areas, but so that the whole surface of the inflamed pores were covered with cure. After applying, let it dry. Tindal should be applied 5 – 6 times a day. The course of treatment with daily use lasts about a month.

The effectiveness of the drug

Among those who used suspension Tindal to solve problems with acne go only positive feedback about the magic effect of this inexpensive and available funds. In many cases of its use, painful symptoms of acne disappear after weeks of treatment while using the medication only 2-3 times per day. The price of the suspension is more than reasonable about 30-40 rubles per unit of product.

Shortcomings believe a rare manifestation of an allergic reaction to this drug is not a very convenient package in which it is produced and strong soiled drugs, which does not allow to use it under clothing and out of the house.

However, these minor drawbacks did not beg effective drug to solve the problem of pimples, which makes it really popular.

Cendol is a tool that promises, and really helps to get rid of skin problems.