Home / Birth control pills for acne — to help or not?

Birth control pills for acne — to help or not?

protivozachatochnye tabletki ot pryshejFor anybody not a secret that a very common cause of acne (acne) is a hormonal imbalance in the body. Therefore, if you exclude the impact of allergens, has made every attempt to cleanse and treat the skin with special masks and all sorts of medicines, and also revised my diet, but no result, you need to go to the doctor endocrinologist. Perhaps the reason for acne is the excess hormones. In this case, pimples on the face is a signal warning that the body is not all right. In fact, you may have a disease of the ovaries or thyroid gland. So you should treat the acne more serious.

To help or not?

Doctors-endocrinologists frequently for the treatment of various diseases associated with hormones, prescribe hormonal birth control pills. Recent studies by scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences jointly with the Dutch company N. V. Organon showed that it is possible to use birth control pills for acne. No matter how paradoxical it sounded such a conclusion, but 98% of the women after their admission, the number of pimples has decreased, and skin is clearer. These women took hormone treatment for six months or longer.

Mechanism of action

The development of subcutaneous fat of the sebaceous glands is stimulated by a group of hormones called androgens. That's why, for example, during menstruation, when the adrenal glands produce copious amounts of androgens in women can appear acne, acne outbreaks. - Hormonal agents inhibit the body's production of this group of hormones, and this, in turn, helps to improve the condition of the skin.

It should be noted that for hormonal acne treatment are suitable only those medications, which combine estrogen and progesterone. An example of such a combination is drospirenone. This type of modern contraception is often referred to by buttoncreate.

Recommendations for use

To help and not harm your body, before you decide on hormonal treatment acne, you should take into account the following important factors.

  1. Never do this treatment yourself! Hormones — sphere is very thin, sensitive and personal. If prescribed by your doctor hormonal contraceptives are excellent your friend or neighbor, this does not mean that you are too. Be sure to consult with a specialist endocrinologist.
  2. Oral contraceptives are suitable for girls after 15 years who have already started menstruating. The doctor will select precisely those contraceptives that are best suited to your age.
  3. Contraceptive tablets can accept women who are sexually active and do not plan to conceive a child.

Ask the doctor what effect one or another type of oral contraception on your weight. Some oral contraceptives can cause weight problem.

It is also worth remembering that the aggravation of acne and new acne on the face can be caused by the cancellation of the pill. This is because ceasing to take oral contraceptives, you are forcing the body is "reconstructed" to enter a new hormonal regime and to cope with the level of hormones itself. Whereas before for a long time you do with pills regulate their production.

All the above leads us to conclude that, although birth control pills do help in the treatment of acne, to everytreatment should be approached with caution, especially hormonal.