Home / Boro Plus herbal acne cream

Boro Plus herbal acne cream

boro plus ot pryshejBoro plus helps from minor acne and more severe acne. It includes a huge number of herbal extracts: aloe Vera, vetiver, Basil, and others. Boro plus nourishes, moisturizes, cleanses and tones the skin, visibly improving its structure. Due to the antibacterial effect, is able to quickly rid annoying acne.

It is relatively inexpensive, about 30 rubles.

As this drug acts on the skin?

It is a thick cream with a pleasant herbal smell. If you are concerned about acne, this drug should not postpone for later. Just apply to the inflamed area a thin layer of cream. You will certainly be surprised at the speed with which the rash will begin to disappear. If your acne is similar to an allergic reaction, and here it would be appropriate to use Boro plus. Spread the cream on problem areas. Itching will be instant, and after a couple of hours pass and redness. The rash will take a little more time, a few days, but after her disappearance, will not be the slightest trace – points or dimples or scars.


Apply some medication on the pimple, the tool will quickly heal it, even scratched the acne will not leave residue. Ranka just drags on and heal.