Home / Trihopol — remedy for acne of all types

Trihopol — remedy for acne of all types

trihopol ot pryshejOne of the most simple and inexpensive (the price is about 100 roubles for 20 tablets) ways to get rid of acne — Trichopolum. It's antibacterial and Antiprotozoal remedy that helps to get rid of many types of acne. Nowadays beauticians quite often prescribe this drug to their patients. But in order to help, you must first be examined.

The effect of the drug

The main effect of the drugs – protivoprotosanoe. He actively affects certain types of protozoa. Such species include Giardia, Demodex, Trichomonas and so on.

In addition trihopol suppresses the activity of pathogenic bacteria.

This is a very broad spectrum of action, that is why they treat the most various diseases.

From what helps?

Acne is caused by demodicosis

It is a skin disease that caused by a small subcutaneous mites. The norm of such a mite, Demodex, lives on the skin of almost everyone, but the disease does not cause. For mass propagation of mites and the development of the inflammatory process need certain conditions. Most often such conditions arise in adolescents, when the background changes hormones and changes composition of sebum. This is the conditions for the emergence of diseases such as demodicosis. He appears in the form of inflammation of the skin, where they can observe eruptions, eventually becoming covered with a crust.

All of the above are often associated infection, and then the process begins to tighten, and pimples become purulent. Externally, the disease complicated by infection, almost no different from ordinary acne. The difference is that it is almost not treatable with special anti-bacterial drugs.In such a case come to the aid of trihopol, which will save you from subcutaneous Demodex. For the treatment of demodectic mange doctors prescribe a course of treatment 1 tablet 2 times a day (take 10 days). Simultaneously, for external application is assigned a special gel with metronidazole that is inflicted on the skin 2 times a day.

Acne treatment caused by chronic diseases of the stomach

The condition of the skin and digestive organs are interrelated. If the person has a rash that does not respond to treatment, beauticians mandatory direct it to the therapist or the gastroenterologist. Any disease of the stomach will support rash.Trihopol will help with stomach ulcers, giardiasis and in the treatment of other diseases caused by pathogens sensitive to this drug. When the above diseases trihopol is assigned as follows: 1 table. 2 R. in day (10 days).

Treatment of acne vulgaris

Sometimes when a comprehensive examination by a teenager with acne not detected not problems with the digestive system or demodicosis. And, despite this, in some cases, beauticians prescribe trihopol. It helps to get rid of pustular rash, caused by susceptible to it bacteria.

Trihopol – this drug, which already long time is used for complex treatment of various infections, including treats and acne.