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There are spots on stomach and itchy?

pryshi na zhivoteAcne can deliver many unpleasant minutes, being located not only on the face but on other parts of the body. Back, neck and chest are often exposed to various inflammatory processes, causing discomfort and feeling of insecurity. However, in some cases, there are pimples on my stomach. It can be red acne that itch and bother the person, or a small rash....


  • Hormones. Changes in either direction in the level of hormones can cause increased production of skin secretion and as a consequence, the formation of pimples not only on face but also on my stomach.
  • Pregnancy. From five to eight percent of women during pregnancy experience a series of physiological changes. The result is the appearance of lesions on the stomach, sides and back.
  • Infectious diseases. A number of pathogens can cause acne in lower abdomen.
  • Dermatitis
  • Ringworm
  • A rare diaper change in children in summer as well can cause the formation of pimples on the buttocks and torso. Usually, this phenomenon is called heat rash.
  • STD. In some cases, also can cause the formation of acne on the body.


Clearly indicate the symptoms that accompany the appearance of lesions on the stomach, is quite difficult. Depending on etiology, possibly a different manifestation of the disease. However, the most common are

  • The redness of the lesion. As a rule, there is a slight redness. It can be both permanent and recurrent.
  • Itching. In some diseases of an infectious or allergic nature may occur itching of varying intensity.
  • Pain. The formation of acne if shingles is accompanied by very severe pain in the affected area of the skin. This is due to nerve damage.
  • Allergic reactions can also cause the formation of acne on the body.


In the event of a rash should consult a specialist for accurate diagnosis and assign the required treatment. An attempt to differentiate the diagnosis and uncontrolled intake of drugs may only aggravate the situation.

From what disease caused the appearance of inflammation depends not only recovery time but also prescribe medications, the treatment regimen and possible complications.

Pimples on stomach during pregnancy

Wearing a bandage or a gauze dressings can trigger the sweat. Because the cause may be the lack of oxygen to the tissues, as well as hormonal disruptions, requires examination by a specialist. The use of pharmacological agents is undesirable, therefore you can use tonics and poultices made from medicinal plants. At home good results are obtained by rubbing an infusion of chamomile, calendula. You can also use warm (but nothot!) compresses of the same herbs. The endocrinologist may prescribe corrective drugs, depending on the severity of the disease and the need for their application.


In this disease, experts recommend the use of hormonal ointments, made on the basis of prednisalone and use drying ointments and suspensions, which include zinc compounds. However, the diagnosis can be carried out only by a doctor.

The sweating sickness

Pimples are caused by this disease found both in children and adults. As a means of facilitating the patient's condition are used infusions of medicinal herbs: calendula, chamomile, succession. And it is recommended to use talc or baby powder.

Allergic reactions

As a result of individual intolerance of certain foods or components of creams for the body, drugs or any chemicals can cause acne allergic in nature. This leads to the decrease in the protective barrier of the skin, and the accession of pathogenic microflora can cause the formation of acne. At the initial stage recommended to use antihistamines. Tavegil, Suprastin, Fenistil and others are Assigned as a tablet form and a gel (Fenistil gel). In the formation of acne sores doctor prescribes antibiotics or a drying ointment.

Molluscum contagiosum

This disease is transmitted by direct skin contact. Characterized by the emergence of pimples on the abdomen, back and extremities. No specific treatment because the body needs time to themselves to fight the infection. As adjuvant therapy is used cauterization, removal of their contents, with subsequent treatment of the alcoholic solution of iodine, administration of antiviral ointments. In case of heavy skin lesions when they are involved in almost all body specialist prescribes antibiotics.


A number of diseases transmitted through sexual contact can also cause the formation of acne on the body. As a result, need to be examined, after which the doctor will prescribe an appropriate course of treatment consisting of individually tailored dosing of antibiotics, vitamins and hormonal therapy.

As a traditional medicine in all these cases, the recommended compresses and wipe the infusion of such herbs as marigold, Bur marigold and chamomile. They are not only anti-inflammatory effect, but also help cope with the redness of the skin, relieve itching and ease the patient's condition.