Home / How to get rid of acne — at home folk remedies or in the clinic?

How to get rid of acne — at home folk remedies or in the clinic?

lechenie postakneAcne is not only unpleasant in the moment they occur, but also leave behind red spots of varying intensity. They are referred to as acne. In some cases, they arise and what actions are needed for quality treatment of post-acne? How to get rid of the effects of acne?

After the patient fails to cure the skin and the inflammatory response don't bother, there is one important point. It is necessary to remove the effects of acne. And if the first person simply enjoys the absence of inflamed lesions with purulent content, after some time appears the desire to get rid of reddish spots, scars or scars. Depending on the depth of the lesion of the skin color of the spots may vary from light red to purple or bluish. Scars, scars as well not give appeal to both men and particularly women face.


The main reason for the emergence of specialists recognize the wrong treatment or lack thereof during the period of skin lesions acne rash. Mechanical removal of purulent content, the lack of proper care for the skin, as well as insufficiently thorough cleansing. If the patient has not conducted a deep cleansing, do not contact professionals for help and used a specially selected funds, the probability of formation of spots and scars increases several times.

Signs of post-acne

  • Resistant erythema;
  • Pores;
  • Stagnant spots;
  • Scars;
  • Scars;
  • Uneven skin structure, including local thickening;
  • Hyper or depigmentation of certain areas.

How to get rid of acne

In order to eliminate the effects of acne, you can use hardware methods offered in beauty salons and clinics or to resort to traditional medicine. In any case, you will need quite a long period of rehabilitation, even if you use expensive cosmetics, and very costly procedures performed by specialists. Treatment with traditional methods is much cheaper but takes more time.

Methods of getting rid of acne in the clinic

  • Laser resurfacing of the skin. This method allows for several procedures to maximally mitigate the effects of acne. The method consists in the soft removal of the upper stratum corneum. In addition, the laser activates all the biochemical processes, including collagen production. It provides the necessary elasticity of the skin. Cosmetologist determines the number of sessions needed for each patient individually. Their number depends on the condition of skin and presence of spots. Typically required 4 to 8 manipulation, with an interval of 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Microdermabrasiona grinding. Is a method to smooth edges of the top layer of the epidermis using a special apparatus. Must perform the procedure by a beautician. The process is in the flow with high velocity sterile microcrystals of aluminium in powder form and simultaneous suction them together with particles of keratinized epithelium.
  • The chemical peeling. Used various acids that dissolve the Horny layer of the epithelium. The result starts increased division of young cells, and as a result, aligned the top layer of skin.
  • Mesotherapy.This is a very effective modern method of saturating the skin the necessary substances and microelements. Its principle consists in the introduction under the skin of compositions that include biologically active substances, vitamins, hyaluronic acid and various enzymes. For the treatment of acne in the composition of the injected zinc compounds.

Treatment of pitted acne scars at home

In addition to using different therapeutic drugs recommended by a beautician, also effective is the use of traditional medicine. The duration of treatment increases significantly, but the result is more persistent and General condition of the skin is markedly improved compared to hardware methods. Besides, the cost of treatment in the home is minimal.

  • Parsley. One of the most popular products for getting rid of dark and stagnant spots. It is necessary to prepare the broth, then pour it into moulds and freeze. Ready ice cubes to wipe the steamed face twice a day.
  • Lemon. Whitening mask on the basis of two teaspoons of lemon and the egg white will not only reduce pores and remove pigment spots. If desired, it can be imposed only on those areas that need clarification.
  • St. John's wort. Tincture, prepared on the basis of two tablespoons of herbs and one Cup of ethyl alcohol, aged for ten days in a dark place, gives visible effect of daily wiping. The number of scars and blemishes significantly reduced.
  • Clay. In home cosmetology is one of the most beloved tool that gives you great result. A couple of tablespoons to dissolve a small amount of water. In the resulting slurry add a few drops of rosemary oil and apply to clean skin. After twenty minutes, rinse.
  • Scrubs. At home make scrub is not difficult. You can use the residue from brewed organic coffee, mixed with shower gel. Or to make yourself more effective in this case, scrub. For its production will need a tablespoon of olive oil, the same amount of sea salt and 2-3 drops of lemon juice. Clean your face need to steam or to cover for a few minutes with a hot towel. After the pores open, you are ready to apply mixture in a circular motion to RUB the skin. After the procedure is recommended to wash and then wipe the face with ice with extracts of chamomile, calendula or parsley.

Regardless of whether you will resort to the services of public hospitals or can't use folk remedies, the visible results appear only after some time. in order to get rid of the consequences of acne will require not only time, but also regular maintenance. Held from time to time procedure is unlikely to help get rid of scars, scars and old spots.

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