Home / Will the chamomile tea for acne? Yes, proven!

Will the chamomile tea for acne? Yes, proven!

romashkaMedicinal chamomile in the people is called the Cabinet. It is difficult to list all of its useful properties. This is not a complete list of them. It relieves swelling and irritation of the skin (anti-inflammatory), disinfects wounds, has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the face. And most importantly, the chamomile helps pimples because it contains therapeutic essential oils. You can prepare a mask or a cream, lotion, gel, toner — these skin care products for the face improves skin texture and nourishes it with vitamins.

Compresses from infusions of chamomile for inflamed acne

First preparing an ordinary broth. Have to brew 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile Cup of boiling water and leave for 30— 40 minutes in a dark place. Applying warm swab dipped in the broth, the inflamed areas affected by acne, for 5 minutes, then moisten and apply as 5 to 6 times a day. This procedure should be carried out once a month. At first every day, then every other day. The acne will, skin will be brighter, it will become smooth.

A chamomile tincture for acne will be more useful if it add 100 g of vodka or alcohol, a pinch of boric acid, 2 crushed pills of aspirin, 2 tablets of dipyrone. This solution has an unpleasant smell, unlike the broth, but it is more effective for the treatment of acne. To make such kompressii problem areas need a minimum of 2 times a day.

If chamomile broth diluted with boiled water simple, you get a Wellness lotion for evening bathing. Soothes the skin overnight and slightly disinfects. However, the real strong the lotion is prepared from alcohol.

Chamomile inhalations for face

Before deep cleansing, it is necessary to open the pores. Over a bowl of hot broth to persuade the face, cover your head with a towel. The pores open, they can be cleaned by special means, the best of natural products. However, we must be very careful if you have dry skin. But if the blood vessels are close to skin surface, such procedure should be abandoned altogether.

Lotion to wipe the skin, then apply a cream made of several kinds of oil: chamomile, lavender, oil of thyme, essential, you can take jojoba oil or another.

The lotion is prepared as follows: dried plantain leaves, chamomile flowers, calendula, pine needles crushed in equal parts (roughly 1 tablespoon) pour 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol and infused for weeks in a cool dark place. Then, the resulting mixture must be filtered, poured into containers made of dark glass and put in the fridge. Keep the lotion usually for a few days. They recommended to lubricate the face affected by acne, before applying the ointment.

Varieties of home-made cosmetics chamomile

  • Gel. In a decoction of chamomile, peppermint and plantain add the potato starch and cook the "jelly". It is superimposed on the face with a cotton swab for 30 — 40 minutes. Can be washed off with cool water.
  • The ancient recipe for dry skin. One Cup of wheat grains boiled in two liters of water until soft, then add the chamomile tea and turn off the heat. Drain, two hours to infuse, then wash. A lovely cleansing gel.
  • Mask. On Romashkova broth soak overnight href="http://acne.vsebolezni.com/ovsyanka-lechit-pryshhi-i-vyvodit-shlaki.html">cereal. Tones, cleanses, nourishes.
  • Tonic is prepared on Romashkova infusion (250 ml). Add as much rose water, plus a teaspoon of glycerin, 3 drops of essential oils of sandalwood and lavender, you can add 3 drops of frankincense. Composition infuse for 2 days.

Fragrant floral bouquet

It turns out if you mix a decoction of chamomile cleanser, with other herbs. For example, chamomile goes well with fresh mint and calendula. Chamomile and sage treat pimples on the face. Green tea will increase the disinfectant action. Water chamomile bath for the face at night can be done with celandine, his action speaks for itself. In any broth, you can drop the exotic oil of tea tree. You can choose to your taste facial mask or gel. Besides, it is useful to periodically change the composition of natural cosmetic teas and infusions.

Ice chamomile – instantly removes redness

In 100 ml of boiling water pour a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers. If the broth to make a stronger will not be worse. Boil is not necessary, immediately shut down. After straining, cooled tea pour into molds for ice and place in freezer. Wipe the face of these cubes is a pleasure. The rash disappears, you receive a healthy glow and Shine. It is useful to do and people with normal skin to prevent acne.

Medicinal chamomile hard to confuse with decorative

The smell of chamomile special. Picking flowers is required only from may to August, during the period of active flowering. Best in a clean place. A useful flower grown on their plots. Dry in a shaded from the sun places, where there is a small skvoznyachok. Chamomile is good not only for acne, when taken orally, it cures many diseases. A lovely scented bath with her and helpful to children and adults!