Home / What is xanthelasma century and how to treat it?

What is xanthelasma century and how to treat it?

ksantelazma vekaWomen in the elderly, at times, it is possible to observe small nodules of a whitish-yellow or slightly orange in color, located on the inner corners of the upper eyelids. What kind of education? What are the consequences for the organism can be? What is it?

The tumor is a type of xanthomas and are called xanthelasmas. Typically, these tumors do not disturb their masters and painless. At first glance they can be mistaken for a blister or Wen, however, upon closer examination, it is found that they do different from the above entities.


Today, it is safe to say that xanthelasma occurs for any particular reason, impossible. As a result of long clinical studies experts managed to establish a link between the development of the disease and elevated cholesterol levels. Was also revealed the correlation between the appearance of the variety by ksant and the presence of patients, who applied to the doctors of such diseases as diabetes, various liver damage, obesity, pancreatitis. The probability that such destruction of the body contribute to the formation and development of xanthelasmas. It is established that the violation of lipid metabolism is directly related to education as a ksant and xanthelasma. Essentially, these two neoplasms are almost not distinguishable between themselves.


Appear in women of middle and elderly ages. However, it can occur in men. The formation in the inner corner of the upper (rarely lower) century small slightly protruding plaques. Size ranges from the size of a pea to the average bean. Xanthelasmas are mostly represented by single tumors tend to merge, but, at times, there are numerous groups, extended in the form of a continuous line with uneven edges. Color varies from pale yellow to light orange. Plaques are painless, do not cause any inconvenience. The small size does not interfere with the normal functioning of the century.

Clinically documented and there were not cases of their degeneration into malignant tumors. All surgical procedures for their removal is directed on correction of cosmetic defect. Inside the plaques, the experts detect phospholipids and cholesterol. Their high content observed in this disease in the blood of patients.


It should be noted that because the cause of xanthelasma not identified, and specific treatment has not yet been developed. Identification of the underlying disease and action to combat it are a priority. The main task of specialists is to correct the patient's weight, treatment and prevention of liver disease, normalization of level of cholesterol in the blood and normalization of functioning pancreas. It is understood that xanthelasma spontaneously disappear after it was started the work with the underlying disease, however, the normalization of the liver significantly reduces the possibility of re-occurrence of plaques.

Treatment options

  • Electrocoagulation. Burning or electric shock proves to be very effective.
  • Liquid nitrogen.
  • Laser.
  • Surgical removal.

Surgical removal xanthelasma

One of the most common ways of dealing with this disease. Manipulation is performed under local anesthesia with novocaine solution and a solution of trimecaine. Removal is performed with the use of tweezers and scissors. After the plaque was cut off, the edges of the wound prizhivayutsya electric current (in the case if the edges of the wound wide and processthem differently will not work), or if the plaque is small and the wound narrow, as well as the amount of loose skin is sufficient, use a solution polutoraletnego iron. The result is a durable scab and the wound heals within seven to ten days. Treatment of the wound surface is performed using a solution of potassium permanganate 5% or brilliant green 10%. In the case of excision of large plaques, as well as when excess amounts of skin can overlap the seam with hair.

Diet and drugs

In the case of the emergence and development of the disease should go on balanced diet. To exclude all animal fats or replace them with vegetable, it is also necessary to remove from the diet of high-calorie meals. The menu should remain only those meals, the use of which is permitted when diseases of the liver and pancreas. With a specialist on the basis of complete clinical examination is necessary to coordinate the use of such cholesterinester drugs lipotropic action as catamites, parmidin, lipemic, Diasporan or lipoic acid. Mode of intake of these medicines must appoint a physician based on the patient's condition.


If previously it was treated with eyelid xanthelasmas, when the detected disturbance in the fat metabolism is necessary to prevent recurrence, observe the following recommendations:

  • Diet. Strictly follow lacto-vegetarian diets. Maximum exclude from the diet of fatty meats, high-calorie foods. Butter should not exceed 25g in the form of average daily doses and plant — no more than 75g.
  • If possible, avoid injury to the skin. In the damaged place can spontaneously form clusters of nodules that are called multiple xanthomas.
  • Expert advice. In the presence of xanthelasmas of the eyelids should be examined by an ophthalmologist, physician for diseases of the heart and atherosclerosis at an early age.

Found themselves or their loved ones suspicious soft touch seals need to be sure to consult with your doctor. Even if you are sure that before you regular xanthelasma.