Home / I used a Zener and what came of it

I used a Zener and what came of it

zineritHi all. Today I want to tell you about my experience of the use of such drugs as well as Others. About it probably heard everyone who has skin problems. This is one of the most advertised means the number of opponents which almost exceeds the number of fans. Why? Is it worth it to use? Consider in this article.

What is the Zener

So, Zineryt is a lotion for the treatment of acne, the main active substance in which the antibiotic is erythromycinand zinc acetate. The first is designed to destroy the bacteria that are the direct cause of acne, as zinc is anti-inflammatory, which tends to normalize the sebaceous glands and positively affect skin regeneration.

Zener, with all the stones flying in his direction, when applied correctly, is one of the most effective tools in the fight against acne, while it is very easy to use and shows immediate results in no time.

The pros and cons

But why do so many spit when they hear the name of this drug? The first reason lies in the fact that the main active component of drug is antibiotic erythromycin. On the one hand is a plus, as it has high efficiency, on the other – negative, because-as you know that prolonged use of any antibiotic loses its effectiveness, due to the fact that it produces addiction. That's the whole point: the man is full of hope to the pharmacy, buys medication, use it and see the desired improvement of acne almost gone, but after a month rashes are back again — the bacteria used the antibiotic and it has lost its original effectiveness. Also not the most pleasant factor is the relatively large sum of the cost of the drug, which is supported by its low shelf life, which is only five weeks. Although, given the characteristics of drugs, in principle, it is the best period of its continuous use.

Small tweaks in the application

There's a trick how to extend the use of Zineryt, but it is applicable only when re-using it when there's an empty bottle left over from the first course of treatment. The fact that I went to the store initially sold in two bubbles, which before use must be mixed in the first powder and the second liquid. If you already have an empty jar, mix the drug in two parts: first one half of the components, and then using it the second.

I used a Zener for 10 days after the expiration date and not noticed anything terrible, but such ventures you undertake at your own risk, I will not advise.

In my opinion, it is best to apply it once a day, but on the advice of the doctor, or depending on the severity of acne, it can be done twice a day.

By the way, another not very nice feature of using Zineryt is that after applying it on the face forms a thin film, which is visually imperceptible, however, is a very bitter taste, so kissing after application of the drug is not the best idea for your partner, certainly.

Also Zener, due to the presence of alcohol in the composition, can significantly dry the skin and cause peeling. In such cases it is necessary to put on the face of any moisturizer, I can recommend Bepanthen,which, though is not just moisturizer, but it does and its function.

To use Zineryt I used only two times: the first when my skin problems only gaining its momentum; and second, hopefully last, who can say, saved me from major problems with acne, and after which I use only in the preventive treatment and care.

What is the difference? Why the drug was completely useless in one situation, and showed excellent efficacy in the second? The difference is that the second time I used it in the complex, which allowed me to get the desired result. What is included in this complex? A lot of things: ranging from General hygiene and control of food, and ending with the medicinal and cosmetic preparations, of which we are yet to talk.

In my opinion, the Zener is an excellent basic tool in the fight against acne that can effectively and in a short time to solve the basic problems with the skin. Yes, prolonged use is not reasonable, however what interferes with it to eliminate a major disaster, and then, as the addiction of the skin to the antibiotic and reduce its effectiveness, to continue treatment by any other means?