Home / My experience of dealing with the peeling of the skin, or an ode to Bepanthene

My experience of dealing with the peeling of the skin, or an ode to Bepanthene

bepantenHi all. Today we will talk about such an unpleasant phenomenon as excessive dryness and flaking of the skin. Anyway, and in the treatment acne from it can not escape, as almost all effective tools that are used when fighting acne, very aggressive effect on the skin. No matter what the marketers promised, and are medications such as Matt, Zener, Salicylic acid, and the lion's share of the funds which includes alcohol, are inevitably dry, even seemingly the most oily skin. Understand, how to deal with it.

Humidify a skin properly

First, it is worth considering that the flaking does not appear immediately, so it would be wise to prevent it at the stage of the first prerequisites, which are sensations of tightness and dryness. In this case, you must use a moisturizer. I recommend that you make an effort and choose for yourself a good moisturiser, and not to use for this purpose got. I often met people that use to moisturize the skin baby cream, or some other, absolutely not suitable for this tool. Yes, it is possible to achieve the moisturizing effect of the different funds, however, with this great a risk of clogging pores, which will lead to the formation of closed comedones, and as a consequence to the emergence of new pimples. Pick a suitable moisturizer, well, if he specifically targets problematic skin.

Moisturizer can be applied several times a day, up to 3-4 times, it depends on the condition of the skin and the subjective sensations of dryness. However, especially do not get carried away, and than use ten times a day moisturizer, it is better to choose a more effective replacement.

In cases when there is flaking of the skin, triggered by very strong it dry, a regular moisturizer can Express themselves effectively enough. Then we come to the aid funds, the main active ingredient in which is Dexpanthenol. Of the drugs that you can buy in pharmacies of Russia and Ukraine, is best proven Panthenol hand. Panthenol is interesting because it is sold in spray form, which adds to the convenience in its use. Bepanthen can be bought in the form of cream, ointment, and lotion, but we are interested in is Bepanthen Cream as the ointment tends to clog the pores, and the lotion is quite a rare guest on the shelves of our pharmacies. Cream sold in a compact tube, painted in blue tones, is not enough, but, however, it is very economical and at reasonable using one tube goes a long way.

Tips for use of Bepanthen

Bepanten as Panthenol, it is recommended to use not more than 3-4 times a day. For example, I never had a chance to do it more than twice, so I vaguely imagine, what should be the extent of the problem, the solution of which need to apply the cream with such regularity. If you use Drops after using any medicines, you must wait for 20 minutes and then apply the cream, otherwise the therapeutic effect of the first drug will be minimized.

Personally, I like to use Bepanthen after the mask of clay with sea salt, which we talked about earlier, they are very well dissolve and exfoliate dead skin particles and the top layer of the epidermis as a whole, but at the same timeessentially dry skin. Drops made after their application, nourishes and moisturizes the skin and promotes its regeneration, which is another positive effect of Dexpanthenol. To some extent it even helps treat acne.

Also I sometimes use Bepanthen after applying Concoctions. People familiar with this tool know that after using it, the skin on several days considerably red. To speed up the process of restoring normal skin color makes sense to put Bepanthen on the next day after applying Concoctions. On the day after the application of Concoctions to put on the face any additional funds are not needed. We still have to talk about this great helper in the struggle with the traces of acne.

It is also worth mentioning that Bepanten and Panthenol though perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin, is not a substitute for moisturizing the funds on an ongoing basis. This is due to the fact that Dexpanthenol with excessive application can clog your pores. Therefore, for daily moisturizing of the skin buy a good moisturizer.

In General, if you are committed to the treatment of acne, be sure to have in your Arsenal was a place Bepanthen – it will come in handy far more than once.