Home / Want to know how to remove red spots after acne — then you here!

Want to know how to remove red spots after acne — then you here!

the most common is clay. Its a small price is nothing compared to what effect it allows to achieve: clay not only helps with red spots, but also purulent inflammation and acne, tightens pores and makes the complexion smooth and beautiful.

To combat redness after acne it is better to use green and white clay – that they aimed at combating problem skin. Apply it both on its own mixed with cold water until the consistency of sour cream or using additional components. The most important rule when preparing clay masks – do not use metal utensils.

White clay is combined with lemon juice. One teaspoon of powder, you need half a teaspoon of water and half a lemon. Green good effect with the cinnamon. For this cooked in the usual way a lot you need to add about half tsp cinnamon.

Essential oils

Except clay, other wonderful bleaching property have essential oil. A high concentration of nutrients actively fighting the unattractive reddening on the skin, but use them very carefully, adding a drop at a time – too much oil can harm the skin.

Essential oils are also good to add into a clay mask. Two or three drops of rosemary oil added to the green clay, in just a few treatments will give visible effect: redness noticeably subsides. Apply this mixture should point, only red spots on the face, and it is recommended to do this mask every other day during the week after a break for the same period.

For removal of traces after acne essential oils can be used alone: for example, rosemary oil or tea tree or mixing them in equal parts. Great together tea tree oil, lavender and avocado, as well as rosemary, lavender, mint and cloves. To such mixture was softer, it is possible to separate them on the basis of regular cooking oil or olive oil. To wipe the red spots have several times a day.

Cosmetology help

In search of a solution, how to remove red spots after acne, many go on to more substantial measures. Procedures performed in centers of cosmetology, promise faster and more obvious effect, and can effectively deal with problems which can not cope with ordinary homemade masks: very distinct red spots, scars.

One of the most efficient and effective procedures is the chemical peel. Special agents operating at different levels of the skin, depending on how deep you want to work. These substances are acids.

Peeling with fruit acids

The most popular is peeling fruit acids such as glycolic, lactic, malic, and others. They only influence the top layer of the skin, actively fighting with visible imperfections: not only red spots, but also acne. This species is the most gentle, and, therefore, it can be performed without contraindications for some features. The amount of acid, as well as the required number of treatments for the full effect sets the cosmetologist depending on the skin condition.

Median peeling

The deeper the peeling, in other words, the median, is indicated for more severe cases: href="http://acne.vsebolezni.com/kak-izbavitsya-ot-rubcov-i-sledov-posle-pryshhej-v-domashnix-usloviyax.html">scars after acne. It is used salicylic and trichloroacetic acid. These substances penetrate the skin deeper than the fruit acids, but are stronger.

Red spots from acne is a problem that can be combated in various ways. The most important rule is do not hurt yourself, not using too often, or another mask, which can have the opposite effect, only worsening the situation.