Home / Liniment of syntomycin — salvation from acne for 40 rubles!

Liniment of syntomycin — salvation from acne for 40 rubles!

sintomicinovaya maz ot pryshejOily skin — the Bane of many teenagers. From abscesses, blackheads, inflammation I suffer dozens and hundreds of young people. How many dates were cancelled, how much energy, tears and nerves spent on getting rid of pimples! Distressed leather, is the cause of insecurity and complexes have teenagers in modern society.V. And this is only the beginning. Then the situation is compounded and can form stable beliefs, to break under force only to experts.

In addition, the confidence of many adults that "acne is not terrible," devoid of any Foundation. It is a pustular inflammation of the skin. And the body does not forgive an irresponsible attitude. In advanced cases, inflammation can spread to surrounding tissues and there is diffuse inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue. In medicine it is called cellulitis. The development of cellulitis lead to sepsis – a blood infection.

So, dear parents, do not leave their children alone with problem skin. If the body of a teenager he is not able to cope with the infection, subsequently eliminate this problem will be much more difficult and expensive.

Currently, on the market there are many cosmetic products that help young people in this unequal struggle. Foreign companies offer the latest in cleansing and masking problem areas. In drugstores it is possible to meet abroad range of therapeutic drugs. Though the price is exorbitant. But amidst all this abundance, quite undeservedly been forgotten inexpensive and effective cleanser for acne - sintomitsinovoy ointment or liniment of syntomycin.

Let's see what it is and how it is effective.


Ointment or liniment is a syntomycin emulsion. The pharmaceutical industry produces a drug in various concentrations: 1%, 10% or 5%. In the composition of the used excipients, such as emulsifying agent, castor oil, preservative, distilled water. The drug is represented by a mixture of painted in shades from white to pale yellow, with a kind of barely perceptible odor.

Mechanism of action

Sintomitsina is an antibiotic with an extremely broad spectrum of effects. The activity of the drug against microorganisms, due to a violation sintomitsina of the process of protein synthesis of microorganisms. Is pronounced bacteriostatic that determines its ability to stop the growth and reproduction of microbes. It exhibits activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The list of agents is large enough, but from this list we are particularly interested in streptococci and staphylococci.

A distinctive feature of syntomycin, recognize his activity against pathogens exhibiting resistance to antibiotics tetratziklinovogo, penicillin, and sulfonamides. Data on the extent of systemic exposure to the body there.


Sintomitsinovoy ointment impregnated cotton-gauze swabs and apply a thin layer to the skin area affected by acne. In severe cases, shows the dressing of the parchment or the paper compressor. Dressing changes required every day.

I'd like to define the method of application

If pimples are the face, the bandage is almost impossible. In this case, immediately before the procedure, you should thoroughly clean the skin from makeup, pollution, etc. Then just apply the ointment withoutthe use of tampons, and bandages. The longer the exposure the better. If you have the opportunity, then immediately after returning home, start a course of treatment. Thus, before bedtime you will have a few hours, during which the drug is active influence on the affected acne areas of the skin.

Price ranges sintomitsinovoy ointment in pharmacy chains from 30 to 40 rubles. Let him go without a prescription. Now compare with the mass line of Vichy or Garnier?! Judging by the reviews the effect of the application of the ointment is not so fast, but kept much longer. Many people ask the question "why?". In fact, everything is simple. And Vichy, and Garnier, and many other widely advertised remedies are cosmetic. And sintomitsina is a drug. Consequently, the effect will be therapeutic, not cosmetic. He fights the cause of disease, not with its consequences. Therefore, the effect of the application much better.

Contraindications and side effects

You should not use the drug if you have individual intolerance of the components of the liniment; when oppression kostnomozgovy blood processes; if there is insufficient function of the liver and kidneys. In the case of fungal skin lesions, eczema or psoriasis should consult with a specialist. Should be avoided liniment of syntomycin from acne for pregnant women, newborns, especially up to 4 weeks for little children.

Allergic reactions

In some cases, you may experience such reactions as rash and angioedema. Also mark the defeat from the side of hematopoietic system: reticulocytopenia, leukopenia, eritropeniya etc.

Do not tune lightning fast results. But if you hold a full course of treatment, you will be able to get rid of acne for a long period of time. During treatment, you may need to consult an endocrinologist, or gastroenterologist.

But agree that clean skin without acne is worth it!