Home / Water bumps on hands and body — tips for treatment and prevention

Water bumps on hands and body — tips for treatment and prevention

vodyanistye pryshi na rukah i teleWatery blisters on body and hands is a fairly common problem with many people. They cause not only physical discomfort to the person, but also moral. A sense of dissatisfaction, your body often leads to stress, which in turn negatively affect the General condition, bad mood, reduced efficiency. The person becomes anxious, insecure.

These rashes are characterized by versatility, they appear, and at the most opportune moment, pass. Anyone who has faced a similar problem, willing to do much to get rid of this rash once and for all.

They appear mostly in the cold season, that is, when a person walks constantly wrapped things. However, this does not mean that a rash may not appear in summer. Some people do not bother with unnecessary information, in their opinion, and do not pay the proper attention to the acne, wait till they pass themselves. Besides, under things not seen. However, this is a huge mistake. After all, such a rash is the first alarming signal of the body that there is a serious problem.

What to do if they come?

First and foremost, it should be noted that you should not ignore their appearance. If you have water bumps on hands and you do not attach importance to this, it is likely that after some time the whole body is sprinkled.

Often due to lack of time, people are trying to deal with this problem independently, using the most primitive methods of treatment, such as wiping with a solution of potassium permanganate. However, to cure a rash is simply impossible. Yes, she can go after a number of protyani, but after some time it appear again, and, as practice shows, with even greater force. Do not wait until small watery bumps on hands, turn into big eels. Advisable, to consult a doctor. After all, before you start treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of a rash. And then we can talk about treatment.

Dermatologist assigns each individually treatment depending on the extent of the rash and causes. As a rule, in addition to ointments, medicines, the doctor prescribes yet I still drink a course of vitamins.

Why do they appear?

Today include such major causes of water acne:

  • Allergic reaction. This may be allergic to certain foods and flowers, the sun, pollen and so on.
  • Strong activity of the sebaceous glands. This is one of the most common causes.
  • Excessively dry skin. As a result of contact and, of course, friction on the skin and clothing if it is synthetic, it erased the top layer, which is responsible for hydration and as a result we have a severe irritation which leads directly to the inflammatory process. In this case, acne is inevitable.
  • The malfunctioning of any internal organ. In this case, a rash is the alarm, warning of danger.
  • Violation of a hormonal background or simply a hormonal imbalance in the body.

Prevention and treatment of watery pimples

The first thing you should start is to clean your body. Oddly enough, but this is the easiest, but at the same time effective way to get rid of pimples on the hands and body. You need to reconsider your diet, as to eliminate all harmful foods and add foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals andsubstances. To ensure that the skin was flawless you need to eat only healthy food, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Recommended to keep to a minimum, and ideally altogether from the use of roasted, baked, smoked. At least 2 times a week, you should eat dairy foods.

Excellent tested even our grandparents, a folk remedy for watery pimples – aloe Vera juice. You must detach from the scarlet flower (it is desirable to use young flower) single leaf, rinse it well under running water, roll up in plastic foil and put on a night in the fridge. After the time of leaf press juice. It can be diluted one to one with boiled water and pure juice to wipe the problem areas on the body. This procedure is recommended 1 times a day. About a week later the acne has to go through.

A good anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action has an infusion of marigold. It can be used for wiping the plots on which there were pimples.

However, you must remember that this means you will get rid of the rash, but will not overcome the problem completely, after all, to solve this problem once and for all, you need a full examination in a medical facility, which will help to identify the cause of the disease of the skin.

Preventive measures

As prevention you can use the following:

  • Sun. Yes, Yes it is sunburn is a great preventative measure. You can sunbathe on the sea, on the beach on the river or just walk periodically in the Solarium (this is a great alternative in the cold season). Most interesting is that the Solarium will be exactly the same effect as from the real sun.
  • To use the belongings of home cooking. Important: the appearance of watery pimples scrub to use is strictly prohibited. It may only be used as a preventive measure. To date, we can, without any problem, shop body scrub, suitable for any skin type. But it is best to cook it at home by yourself. He will bring much more benefit to your skin.So, take a tablespoon of fine sea salt and thoroughly mix it with 3 tablespoons of thick cream. Carefully apply the resulting mass and RUB massaging movements. Then thoroughly rinse everything in the shower.

Remember, ways to get rid water pimples a lot. However, do not do anything without consulting a dermatologist. Because you can self much to aggravate the situation and hurt yourself.