Home / Sergalin — remedy for acne based on the solution of clindamycin

Sergalin — remedy for acne based on the solution of clindamycin

zerkalinAs one of methods of struggle with acne professionals offer Sergalin. It is well established, it allows to achieve positive and sustainable results. Solution Sertaline helps to cure acne and blackheads, causing the skin becomes smooth and matte. In order to properly apply it and avoid overdose, you should carefully read the instructions for use, which is attached to each package. The price of Sergalin varies in the range of from 135 to 186 rubles, depending on the pharmacy network.


The main active principle is represented by the clindamycin. As auxiliary substances used 96% solution of ethanol, water and propylene glycol.

The release of the drug carried out in vials with a volume of 30 ml.


Part of clindamycin is an antibioticbelonging to the group lincosamides. Activity of any antibiotic against pathogenic microflora is determined by the measure called the minimal inhibitory concentration. Thus, IPC clindamycin is 0.4 µg/ml.

The main task of the drugs is the inhibition of protein synthesis in the cell of the microorganism. The result of this interaction, after Serkalem applied to the problem area, there is a decrease in the concentration of fatty acids in the free state, from fourteen to two percent. The data obtained in clinical trials may differ from the testimony of the patient because of the individual characteristics of the organism.


A method of exposure of Sertaline on microorganisms due to several factors:

  • After the treatment the skin surface accumulation of clindamycin is not on the skin, and inside of comedones. Thus, the exposure to pathogenic strains of bacteria that cause acne formation takes place directly in the lesion. It was there, fully manifested antibacterial activity of the drug.
  • The average concentration of active substance of Sertaline from acne, as defined in the contents of acne and comedones in the laboratory, much higher than the indicator of the IPC, which is required for destruction of pathogens. After all, they are the cause of inflammatory reactions and the formation in the duct of the sebaceous gland.
  • Clinically it is established that after treatment skin problems clindamycin, the concentration of antibiotic in plasma and urine are extremely low. This indicates the minimum level of adsorption and, as a consequence, no load on the liver and kidneys as a result of application of antibiotic.

Indications for use

Lotion Sergalin used to treat acne and comedones varying degrees. Also it is highly effective as a preventive measure applied at the first signs of skin diseases associated with acne.


According to the results of clinical studies, experts have identified a number of diseases in which the use of Sertaline highly undesirable. These include:

  • The sensitivity of the body, especially the hypersensitivity to the individual components included in the composition of the drug. The most likely to develop allergic reactions present in it clindamycin or analogue lincomycin. Both substances give a cross allergic reaction. Therefore, you should not use the drug if one of the above components were once non-specific or specific allergic reaction.
  • Crohn's Disease.
  • Colitis diagnosed by experts earlier as pseudomembranous.
  • Colitis,diagnosed as a result of a comprehensive examination as ulcerative.
  • Also, extreme caution is recommended to apply the drug in children of age group up to twelve years.

Pregnancy and lactation

The possibility of using the preparation during pregnancy and lactation should be determined only by a specialist! The primary factor determining the need for treatment, is a clear benefit to the mother significantly exceeds the risk to the fetus. Thus, if the only drug that can cure the mother in case of threat to life is Sergalin, then the doctor may allow its use. If the situation is not critical, you should choose a different drug.


Solution Sertaline recommended to apply on pre-cleansed and dried skin surface twice a day. Usually, the patient chooses the most optimal time of application, but often, it is the morning and evening hours. The first results from the use of become apparent after six to eight weeks. Judging by the responses of patients to obtain a complete cure of the skin, in some cases, you may need the time period to four to six months.

Side effects

Sergalin usually well tolerated by patients. But despite this, in the presence of hypersensitivity of the skin may become red, burning, itching. As can be observed dryness and slight peeling. In extremely rare cases, contact dermatitis and an increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Drug interactions

It is not recommended to combine the use of Sertaline with other agents for the treatment of comedones and acne. It should also be remembered that clindamycin and erythromycin in any case should not be used simultaneously. As antagonists they neutralize each other. The existence of cross-resistance that exists between lincomycin and clindamycin must be taken into consideration. Clindamycin has the ability to enhance the effects of muscle relaxants.