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Why I started a blog and a little about me

glavnoe verit v sebyaHello friends. What you came here suggests that the problem of acne is not alien to you. As most of the population of this planet, whose way of life is gaining momentum. Like me, until some time.

My first encounter with acne began fourteen years in, perhaps a little earlier. Like most teenagers, on my face began to appear isolated inflammation, abscesses, has significantly increased oiliness of the skin, however, at the time any difference to the problem I wasn't aware of. In the background, as if calling for inaction, served as the speech of parents a La: "pass", "Well, it's not so bad. You're so cute," and similar rants. Analyzing the old days, I am increasingly beginning to understand the truth of the wisest of the expression: "the Rescue of drowning the handiwork of drowning." Acne to treat those types of problems, a positive result that depends entirely on you, from yourself. Nobody, neither parents, nor friends, nor most doctors, the main purpose of which is ordinary profit, there will not be able to bring the assistance that will be able to provide you.

Slightly moved away from the entry and clear about the doctors: Yes, without their help, often can not do, and refer to them have, but they are only a tool on your way to the goal, and not blindly trust the first person in a white coat. We need to think, to think critically and analyze. About doctors we'll talk later, it's pretty ambiguous and broad topic.

Continue my story. As time went on. The situation does not deteriorate, and the improvements it was not – the skin is prone to rashes, like this, it was possible to describe the state of my face up to the 9th grade, 15 years old I was then, if memory serves. This was the beginning of an exacerbation.

As might be expected, the inaction on the issue has not led to her disengagement, but rather to total deterioration. As a result, I became the owner of jinadasa on an incredible scale skin, and regular rashes in huge quantities, which together represent a very sad picture. It would seem that it is time to act? No way. In principle I acted, went to the doctors his small town, even grandmother some went the old woman for a lot of money sold me some herbal tincture in alcohol, with the promise that in a week all will pass. The outcome is predictable.

It's funny, looking through the past time and experience, funny and sad at the same time.
But you learn from mistakes, and my first activity in trying to eliminate acne showed me three undeniable, in my opinion, fact:

  1. Traditional medicine is meaningless and useless, and sometimes detrimental thing. Yes, in some cases, it can be used for General skin care, or some other purpose, but in the fight against acne, especially with any more or less serious stage of acne, it is entirely useless. The Internet is full of varied of the popular methods to get rid of all diseases, acne, including: in the morning rubbing face with juice of garlic, and in the evening making the mask out of some other nonsense, you acne not get rid of, and will be very good, if not do worse. We are not talking about chamomile or concoctions, or, for example, essential oils – using them wisely, you can get the desired result, but those funds beneficial propertiesare repeatedly confirmed by medicine, and there is no doubt. A check on the effectiveness of the next miracle way to get rid of acne already in 2 days" I wouldn't, and you do not advise.
  2. No wonder drug that will deliver you from all your problems the next morning. So, the process of achieving any goal, if the goal is the important and desirable, is long and laborious. Combating acne is one of the best examples of this. If you want to change yourself, want to be cured – you can do it, but not for a couple of days and it will be difficult, very difficult at times. But it's worth it.
  3. You need to think and analyze. In General, to think and analyze is the key tool in the fight against acne. And apply it is as often as possible. Acne, as we know, this thing is strange, the reasons which at all desire to identify them can be so completely outstanding, and what works for one person, won't always help another. You need to analyze your progress, what you eat, how do you spend your leisure time, your daily routine, the factors causing the acne that you have, and more. If you want to recover and leave acne in the past, without this in any way.

Now, friends, my struggle with acne, lasted four years, until, until I found ways to achieve the state of the skin, which is fine with me. During this time I gained extensive experience and knowledge, and I have something to share. I will help you to achieve the much desired getting rid of pimples, and be sure we still can be!