Home / What to do if you have a pimple on genital lip?

What to do if you have a pimple on genital lip?

esli vskochil prysh na polovoj gubeMany women in their lifetime experience this problem. And often very worried to find pimples on labia. How serious is it, what can testify to these symptoms and what to do? A lot of questions, but to find a suitable answer is not always. Let's try to understand this intimate problem.

Types of pimples on labia

How to deal with what after all came to women sex a pimple on the lip? There are several possible options:

  • A small seal in white. Most often they are painless and no discomfort does not deliver. Pass through seven to ten days.
  • Purulent inflammatory process. Acne red painful purulent.
  • Small wounds, which subsequently, under certain conditions, can fester and turn into pimples.
  • Watery transparent spots, having a slightly elongated shape and a pointed tip.



If you have the labia found a small painless seal, then start to panic too early. It's probably just hair follicles. Most often these forms of acne can be seen in adolescents. Although to call them pimples, in every sense of the word, it would be wrong. In the period of adolescence changes occur not only hormonal background. Also rebuild your work many systems of the body and endocrine system is no exception to this rule. Sebaceous glands begin to work actively, as a result can be clogged pores or inflamed hair follicles. After germination of the hair, as a rule, this problem is removed by itself. If the hair for some reason will not grow further either suppuration, or the zit and it remains a white point that does not bother her mistress.

It's safe to say that to squeeze such education is not worth it. The effects of deleting content may be the opposite of the desired effect. Ie you will not only get rid of acne, but may bring any infection, and the consequences will be most unpleasant. As well painless formations can be conventional talc. In the absence of inflammation they do not cause the housewife no concern.

Inflammation of the hair follicle

Small seal, accompanied by redness of the skin around and the presence of a small amount of purulent content. The most likely reason for this is the festering pimple of the same hair follicle. In this case, the probability of self-breakthrough and removing content is extremely high. However, this does not mean that the whole process should be ignored.

Uncomfortable linen and personal hygiene

Small abrasions or wounds that have begun to heal, but failure to observe the rules of personal hygiene turn into pimples. Experiencing these lesions, as a rule, either as a result of wearing tight underwear or if the underwear is of insufficient quality. Scientists have long been found that an ideal material for its production is cotton. Panties made of natural cotton fine allow air to pass through, do not create the greenhouse effect and do not cause allergic reactions. Their synthetic analogues, on the contrary, contribute to diaper rash, which can later turn into micro cracks or small for the size of the wound. Besides, if not observed personal hygiene, the woman is notenjoys the daily strips, which should be changed every four hours, synthetic underwear is also an excellent medium for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. It is also worth noting that this contributes to a lot of daily wearing a Thong. If this lingerie model prevails in your wardrobe, it is possible to prepare inflammation and other troubles.


If the genitals are affected by painful red acne, then the chances of infection of any disease. No one will be able to supply you a diagnosis without direct examination and in many cases passing the appropriate tests. However, if you have a small pimple on lip or genital pimples large labia lips very painful, while clearly concerned with urination (many patients note itching and burning), then, most likely, have to be tested for the presence in the body of the pathogen such as herpes. As this disease can appear internal the pimples.


When detecting transparent eels, characterized by an elongated shape and pointed tip, you should see a specialist. The probability that it will be papillomas.


If you found a pimple on the genital lip, regardless of its etiology, treatment should always begin with following the basic rules:

  • First, pay attention to underwear. Carefully read the label on the label and verify the composition of the tissue. In the presence of synthetics, at least for the first time, it is better from such panties to drop. Also it is undesirable to wear lingerie is the wrong size. Panties two sizes too small or those that are just inconvenient shape, you will not add beauty and health problems provide.
  • Still in a very early age, the parents were trying to instill in us the rules of hygiene. We learned to wash hands after street and visit the bathroom. However, no less important rules of intimate hygiene. Daily should carefully wash their genitals with the use of shower gel or soap. As on date, available for sale, you can buy funds for intimate hygiene. This is a specially designed compositions that have a pleasant smell and bacteriostatic or bactericidal action.
  • Painless pimples can be treated independently of the various disinfectants. It is recommended a treatment with a solution of brilliant green or as it is popularly called, green paint. The use of this drug carries a risk of ruin underwear or paint hands in a persistent green color. However, one of the main advantages is sensitivity to Staphylococcus aureus. But this pathogen is extremely resistant, as alcoholic solutions and many antibiotics. And at the same time Staphylococcus aureus is one of the main causes of suppuration. As a rule, once into the weakened body of a person, he very quickly develops and the consequences of the stay of hundreds of thousands of boys and girls daily see in the mirror.
  • If the acne on labia painful urination a burning sensation is noted, then the visit to the specialist can not be avoided. The chance of Contracting herpes or other sexually transmitted disease is quite large. The sooner you pass the tests and get the results the faster your doctor can prescribe an appropriate course of treatment. And, consequently, the recovery to come sooner. Uncontrolled use of any drugs or the treatment scheme prescribed for another person, will definitely lead to disastrous results.Even if the symptoms a friend had a similar to yours and even had the same diagnosis is not a reason to take the prescribed him medication. The fact that the course of treatment includes antibiotics, vitamins and other medicines. The dosage and frequency of intake should be determined by the specialist based on the result of blood chemistry, strain of the pathogen, and whether a patient has acute or chronic diseases of any system or internal organs. Only in this case, the treatment becomes effective. Otherwise, there would be a transition, for example, herpes from acute to chronic, and the acne will occasionally bother you in the period of exacerbation of the disease.
  • With any etiology of pimples unambiguously positive effect is the use of immunomodulators and vitamin-mineral complexes. In drugstores, these drugs can be purchased without a prescription, so start the course you can at the first sign of illness. This will allow the body to quickly deal with got in it the causative agent or simply strengthen the immune system. Accordingly, the wound healing will occur much faster.