Home / Used soap for acne — streptocide masks and ointment

Used soap for acne — streptocide masks and ointment

streptocid ot pryshejTo boast of a healthy skin without skin flaws and acne (inflammations) can not everyone, but most of them effectively fights streptocid is a medical drug that has antimicrobial effect. This is a drug having a bacteriostatic action and allows you to eliminate pathogens on the surface of the skin and inflammation.

How to use a soap for acne

Pharmaceuticals produces several forms of medication: powder, ointment and pills. All forms can be used for the treatment and prevention of acne, but the most practical of these is streptocide ointment, which is applied to the inflamed or affected area of the skin. Method of use and sequence of actions is the following:

  • Use the ointment only in the absence of allergic reactions to the drug components;
  • Twice a day apply a small amount on the area of inflammation. It will be enough if the pimple over the entire surface will be covered with a thin film of the ointment;
  • The irritation, discomfort and more severe redness requires the use of the drug;
  • If acne is facial, then the period of use of the soap should not exceed two weeks.

Before applying ointment to the skin must be washed with warm soapy water!

Mask based soap

At home, you can prepare more effectively eliminate pimples masks and lotions for different skin types. You will need to buy a powder streptotsida (can be a pill, but then they must be very careful to pound in a mortar), a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a bowl to mix the following components:

  1. For oily skin. Coffee (no slides) a spoonful of crumbly soap mixed with a coffee spoon, baby powder and dilute 3% hydrogen peroxide. You should get a viscous paste, which is applied twice a week to clean and most importantly dry skin (face or body) for 20 minutes. Upon expiration of the mask wash off with clean water. Apply in the evening;
  2. Lotion RUB on every day. In a vial with calendula tincture mix small amount of powder of the drug. Shake well before use;
  3. For problematic acne skin. In the proportions 50/50 mix of dental and streptocide powder, add clean water so that the mixture has acquired the thickness of thick cream. The mask can be applied daily and keep on the body from 20 to 30 minutes. Possible, but it is better to increase gradually;
  4. Active mask for tightening pores. Tooth powder (box) mix it with starch, soap, brown and kvassay, which are taken in equal proportions (3 g.). To associate the powder with clean water or peroxide, to keep no more than 20 minutes.

The use of masks and ointments for the treatment of dermatological inflammation very effectively, but not in case if the acne is associated with impaired function of internal organs and systems. In this case, only comprehensive treatment and referral to the specialist to resolve the cause.