Home / Conjunctivitis — side-effect drugs for acne

Conjunctivitis — side-effect drugs for acne

lechenie pryshej mozhet vyzvat konuktivitPeople adolescence who have problem of acne, use different treatments to get rid of them. Osypanie skin acne in medical term is called acne.

Solving one problem can cause another. Scientists of tel Aviv University conducted a study and concluded that drugs that used to treat acne, cause inflammation of the eyes – conjunctivitis.

The eye doctor Gabriel Chodick a representative of the school of public health medical center, Sackler says that doctors have long assumed that there is a connection between the treatment of acne and conjunctivitis of the eyes, but there was little performed statistical studies on this topic.

Dr. Chodick explains that the pimples themselves increase the risk of inflammatory eye diseases. His research showed that patients who took drugs for the treatment of acne, the risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the eye increased two times.

Very often drugs for the treatment of acne have the side effect manifested in increased dryness of the skin and mucous membranes and affect natural lubrication of the eyelids and the sebaceous glands in the eyelids.

Tears are of great importance. They are the lubrication of the eye, lubricate debris bacteria viruses that fall on the surface of the eye.

Although conjunctivitis is not a serious disease and skin disease must be treated, patients need to inform and to warn about the side effects, said Dr. Chodick. Of the study, the conclusions of which found that long-term irritation and rubbing of your eyes can be a complicated structural problem of the eye, such as keratoconus, degeneration of the cornea.