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And You have helped tar soap for acne?

degtyarnoe mylo ot pryshejToday on the shelves you can see many different means to cleanse the skin and fight against acne. It's very hard — every company advertises its product, which before the buyer gets a difficult choice — which of the perfect tools get rid of all kinds of skin problems (particularly popular funds "instantly" get rid of acne) to choose? Can be very long to try a variety of scrubs, foam cleanser etc, and still not achieve the desired result. If you are familiar with this situation, do not rush to get upset — maybe you can help acne coal-tar soap?

In fact, there are no special components: any piece of tar soap for about ninety percent of consists of a simple soap, and the remaining ten from birch tar. It gives coal-tar soap the properties for which it is so appreciated by many.

About the properties of tar soap

And a little more about the properties, which has coal-tar soap. Of course, in the first place, this birch tar — a powerful antiseptic. It also has a fairly pronounced anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, kills various parasites. Of course, it's not a cure, but to some extent it helps in various skin diseases and damage. All due to the fact that the combination of even a simple soap it greatly enhances blood flow to the skin. A minor wound he just dries — because of this, and a slight acceleration of their healing.

How to apply

Put this oil enough twice a day, morning and evening (if you are not well stand the smell of tar, but the result you like, not wash directly before going to bed — let the smell wear off, and then lie down). It is worth noting that the immediate result, you will not see. It will take several weeks to tar worked and you were able to see significant changes in the condition of your skin.

The unpleasant smell is not always a reason to abandon soap.

The only thing you may not like in tar soap — the smell of tar, which many find very unpleasant. After washing it disappears for ten minutes, not more, so if you expect them to clean only the face and hands, you will simply not wash before leaving the house, and a little early. Another option is to use different creams or just spirits (most importantly, to perfume or cream is completely interrupted by the smell of tar, and not mixed with it, otherwise you risk to hear a lot of criticism). And be sure to purchase a separate closed soap dish, otherwise the smell will spread throughout the bathroom. Of course, someone can say that no result can cost a daily soap with such a specific smell, but because you probably will forget about acne and other skin problems. Is it worth it — you decide.

A definite plus tar soap that can wash almost every (with the exception of those people who are allergic to individual components), regardless of skin type. If you think that it is too strongly desiccate the skin, you can always use a moisturizer.

In General, buying a piece of tar soap you will become a great tool to cleanse the skin and hair restoration for very little money. Usually one piece is enough for a month, and thenmore so you can forget about acne and the monthly cost for a cleanser.

Soap is an enemy of acne

If you can't stand the smell of tar soap, for washing you can use a simple soap. Many today consider him a relic of the past, but it's not — soap is very effective in the fight against acne and other skin problems. The most important properties — hypoallergenic and natural ingredients. Even if you have healthy skin, it is better to wash them at least twice a week, for prevention. If then the skin becomes too dry, you can always use simple baby cream.