Home / How to effectively use Vishnevsky ointment for acne

How to effectively use Vishnevsky ointment for acne

maz vishnevskogoToday, many of the doctor, carried away by new-fangled antibiotics, forget about the money. A great remedy for pimples Ointment Vishnevsky, she was created during WWII. But even now it does not lose its position as a totally harmless drug that is used in many cases. It has a wide range of actions, so it is very popular – especially among people suffering from skin problems.

The main components included in the composition of the drug is tar, xeroform and castor oil. They are chosen very wisely, and work synergistically with each other.

Their combination yields the following effects

  1. Antiseptic;
  2. Stimulating the activity of receptors in the skin;
  3. Drying;
  4. Softening;
  5. Regenerating;
  6. Anti-inflammatory;
  7. Decongestant;
  8. And disinfecting.

This well penetrates the skin (due to oil), so the scope is not only limited to acne. So, Vishnevsky ointment prescribed for abscesses, boils, bedsores, burns, frostbite. Its use in pimples and acne it is remarkable that it quickly relieves inflammation, disinfects and dries the skin, and drains pus. Castor oil promotes rapid penetration of active substances deep into the skin, warming up, making Vishnevsky ointment acts very quickly.

Indications for use

  1. Acne;
  2. Acne;
  3. Furunculosis;
  4. Skin abscess;
  5. Lymphadenitis, lymphangitis;
  6. Sores and wounds, bedsores.

How to apply

  1. If you find the first signs of ripening zit — make a bandage.
  2. Fold into 4 layers of cheesecloth, apply it Vishnevsky ointment and apply to affected area at night. Better to fix it with plaster to avoid displacement.
  3. In the morning wipe the skin, RUB an alcohol-based lotion.
  4. You can then apply a light cream.

If you have severe acne, you can do the following.

Take the cheesecloth, make a hole for eyes and nose. The rest of the soak Vishnevsky ointment and apply on face for a minimum of 2 hours.
So to repeat every 3 days. Especially well helps this technique with great big purulent pimple – you will literally notice how it "pulls" the pus. The ointment can be spread on separate inflammation without using cheesecloth.

Very convenient that it is almost impossible to overdo and to burn, unlike many other means. Minimal side effects – one of the advantages of this tool. Can be allergic reactions, but their appearance was observed very rarely.

Attention! In the first hours after applying the drug may be local tenderness and fever. It is absolutely normal (extracted pus), as the tar component causes local irritating effect, besides increasing blood flow to the affected area. So don't be alarmed if lubricated place getting a bit sick and became even more red – it is a temporary phenomenon.

The only contraindication for use is hypersensitivity of the skin.

Reviews about Masi the most positive. People who used the drug, reported improvement after 3 days, and significant progress has been achieved in 2 weeks. Of course, it is desirable at this time to follow a diet and to avoid foods that provoke the emergenceacne (sweet, fatty).

The ointment has a specific smell, so it wont make a base for make-up, but during treatment it is better to abandon makeup altogether. Still, fans of the Vishnevsky ointment very much, and they would not change it means to even the most modern means. Perhaps this is due to the harmlessness of the drug, availability, and I must say, its really justified.