Home / Lemon juice is the worst enemy of acne!

Lemon juice is the worst enemy of acne!

limon ot pryshejThere are a huge number of things that can thoroughly spoil the mood of the person. However, only few of them can compare with the fresh fiery red acne. No matter how old his lucky owner. Adolescents perceive acne as the scourge of the world scale, Mature people as small, but no less irritant. About the reaction of the bride before the wedding it is better to simply remain silent....

Manufacturers of creams and lotions constantly offer new items, get rid of this problem. They are very effective, however, as soon as you cease to regularly use cosmetic products, the effect is immediately lost. And that's when it's time to go to traditional proven tools. Lemon for acne is one of these brilliant and at the same time simple ways to deal with the problem.

Why lemon?

In fact, he is the most versatile tool that only nature can offer. It is difficult to overestimate its vitamin value or bactericidal properties. Everybody knows that during pregnancy you need to eat the lemon, because it contains extremely a lot of ascorbic acid, as well as actively disinfects the throat, killing pathogenic microorganisms. That only raises the question: why the throat can be disinfected, and the skin is impossible? In fact not only possible, but also very useful!

How to apply?

"Lemon juice for acne". Many times we have heard such expressions from the older generation, however, often do not attach importance to them. And it is in vain! Of course, this is not a panacea and acne bittern will not disappear in the blink of an eye. But as measures to combat the problem – it is a very solid weapon! We invite you to try masks for acne with lemon.

Outset, is necessary before the use of the funds, which include lemon juice, to conduct a test on Allergy. On the wrist, apply a few drops of juice and then wait fifteen minutes. If during this time the skin did not appear redness and itching, so can be safely taken for preparation of the composition. But if you have any discomfort or redness, then its application it is better to refuse. You may get instead of saving for acne itching, redness and swelling on the face. After all mask or skin treatment lotion, you must apply a moisturizer.

Recipes of masks and other means

Lemon juice

This is the most common variant effects on acne. Enjoys great popularity due to its simplicity and efficiency.

  • Thoroughly cleansing your skin, apply the swab has just squeezed lemon juice. Do this very carefully, trying to keep the juice did not get into the eyes.
  • And just give it dry.
  • Fifteen to thirty minutes, wash off with warm water.

Sensations of the procedure to call a pleasant quite difficult. In the presence of distinct pimples, maybe a slight burning or tingling. The juice will dissolve excess sebum, eliminates oily Shine and tightens pores.

Lemon, honey and milk

This is one of the oldest recipes that are very effective, despite its apparent simplicity.

  • Cleanse the skin with soap or foam.
  • Lemon, honey and milk mix in the proportions 1:2:3. Mix thoroughly and wait until the consistency is smooth.
  • On clean skin, apply the prepared structure. Try to avoid contact with the eyes or the area around them.
  • Rinse with warm water after thirty, forty minutes.

The lemon juice cleans the pores, honey and milk soften the skin. The result is noticeable after four to five applications.

Lemon and protein

The mask is perfect people with oily skin and enlarged pores.

  • You need to take a lemon of medium size, cut itin half and from one half to squeeze the juice.
  • The whipped white of one egg mixed with cooked juice.
  • The mixture should be divided approximately into three parts.
  • On clean skin apply the mixture consistently, maintaining the interval between the layers of about five to seven minutes.
  • After applying the final layer it is recommended to wait five or six minutes and rinse with warm composition tea, and then rinse the face with water.

As a result you get smooth skin with the effect of velvet, and constricted pores.

Hygiene and nutrition

You can indefinitely apply to face and body cosmetic formulations and not to obtain any result unless you review your diet and hygiene. In the presence of acne should consult a gastroenterologist, who will help you adjust your diet and eliminate diseases of the digestive system. Also, you may want to change cleanser. No need to touch hands to face. This habit contributes to the development of the problem. Acne can be overcome, however, will have to make considerable effort. But agree that the result is worth it!