Home / Is it possible to cure problematic skin at home?

Is it possible to cure problematic skin at home?

lechenie problemnoj kozhi licaMany girls and women suffer from problems related to excessively oily skin prone to acne. The presence of oily sheen near the nose and on the forehead is not an indication that the person is the holder of oily skin. If the person observed enlarged pores, inflammatory lesions and blackheads that is required is treatment of problematic skin.

Causes skin problems

Problematic skin can have not only teenagers, but also quite adult people.

For problems with the production of sebaceous glands are the following reasons:

  1. Disorders of the endocrine system;
  2. Heredity;
  3. Stress, depression;
  4. Improper diet;
  5. Alcohol, nicotine.

Very often, problems with sebum production may occur as a result of disorders of the endocrine system. Hormonal imbalance of the body inevitably leads to clogging of pores and formation of acne and blackheads on the face.

We can not exclude a hereditary factor, because quite often there are cases when the condition and skin type are passed from parents to children through inheritance. Rashes may occur as a result of prolonged stressful situations.

Wrong food one way or another negatively affects the human body and skin are the first to suffer from it. Therefore, having a tendency to acne-and the acne formation, it is necessary to carefully choose the food that will carry the body only benefits.

Alcoholic beverages and Smoking always negatively affect human health, and the skin before all other systems of the body senses this adverse effect. Identifying the causes of efflorescence and the appearance greasy, you can ask the popular methods that tell how to deal with problem skin.

Folk remedies in the treatment of problem skin

Treatment for oily skin at home for the past many years is the most effective and safe among all existing methods.

The people against acne and pimples are widely used Laundry soapthat needs to be applied to the problem areas. But, still, it is better to refuse from cleansing soap, as it can severely dry out even the most oily skin, which will need more serious treatment.

As cleansers at home often enough, apply a lotion: you want a glass of boiling water pour a teaspoon of sugar and baking soda, mix well, let cool slightly and with a cotton swab in a circular motion, wipe the face.

To remove pimples and prevent their occurrence will also help the lotion with the use of mint leaves a glass of boiling water. Prepared necessary tool allow to stand for half an hour and throughout the day to regularly clean their face with it.

Know people and treatment of problem skin with birch buds and leaves, which must be taken in equal proportions, pour a glass of water, boil for five minutes, after whichlet stand and wash my face.

Healing properties in the fight against acne and inflammatory skin formations have crimson leaves. In people, there is a prescription ointment for acne: take some fresh leaves of raspberries, wash and squeeze with the juice. It is mixed with butter and applied at night to inflamed parts of skin.

Among medicinal herbs is considered effective chamomile, mint and series that are filled with boiling water, infused and applied as lotions or lotions.

Mask for problematic skin

In the struggle with problem skin will help mask of natural ingredients, which are fairly easy to prepare at home. It is important to remember that a positive result can only be expected when using fresh ingredients.

The clay mask

The mask of blue or white clay cleanses the skin, permeates the cells of the beneficial trace elements and visibly tightens pores. This cosmetic product is required to withstand to the face 20 minutes then rinse with water.

Honey mask

Honey mask normalizes sebum production and nourishes the skin. For its preparation you will need a spoon of honey, egg yolk and a few drops of essential oil. It is best to use tea tree oilbecause it has a drying, healing and antibacterial properties.

Oatmeal mask

To give the skin a healthy appearance and to tighten pores to help the mask from oat flour, which must be mixed with lemon juice and olive oil. The money received is enough to apply on skin for 15-20 minutes, with the result that the face will have a fresher look and healthy color, as black spots will become less noticeable.

Fruit mask

Cream gives positive results, significantly improving skin health. For this well the orange pulp mixed with cherry puree and apply on cleansed face.

When mixing the honey and the tincture of calendula in a short time you can get rid of the suppurative lesions and prevent their occurrence.

Treatment for oily skin at home is not only beneficial for the skin as it nourishes with all the necessary nutrients, but in addition, long known as an effective method, beneficial effects on her condition.