Home / Folk remedies for the treatment of white bumps that really help

Folk remedies for the treatment of white bumps that really help

narodnye metody lecheniya lipomyEmerging and rapidly growing lipoma can not please its owner. First, it delivers certain inconveniences of a purely mechanical nature, and secondly, the presence on the face, back or other parts of the body such cones creates a cosmetic defect, and thirdly, that in any case the tumour, which requires treatment. As a result, modern medicine offers several methods of dealing with them, one of which is a treatment of white bumps folk remedies.

The benefits of treatment lipomas folk remedies

The main reasons why people choose alternative medicine:

  • No surgical intervention;
  • The opportunity to avoid anesthesia;
  • The absence of postoperative scars;
  • No need to be in hospital;
  • The ability to maintain normal life throughout the course of therapy.

What you need to know before using folk remedies?

People tend to resort to popular medicine in cases when too great fear of surgery, or is allergic to medication. The fear of surgical intervention is common to all patients. However, before you make a decision to use unconventional methods still need to undergo a medical examination, the purpose of which will be:

  • Clarification of the diagnosis;
  • Determination of the degree of spread of the Wen;
  • Taking puncture;
  • An ultrasound examination.

And the results of all data obtained in the survey, you can make a decision on the possibility of treatment at home.

Recipes of traditional medicine

  1. Take a large onion and washed, bake in a quarter of an hour in the oven. After cooling, peel and grind in a meat grinder. To grate a piece of soap, approximately equal in weight to the previously cooked onion. Mix the two ingredients and preparing materials for a poultice, applied until the swelling becomes softer and begins to dissolve.
  2. A very effective treatment for lipomas is celandine. Prepare a strong decoction of celandine and cool it to room temperature, applying a compress to the moment when the tumor is not opened and its contents alone will not emerge.
  3. Rapid resorption of the lipoma promotes the use of the juice of Kalanchoe. There are two ways of using plants. In the first case, you can squeeze the juice and soaking them with a cotton-gauze bandage, applied as a compress. In the second case can be applied to the growths not juice, and he cut a sheet of Kalanchoe, cut part facing the skin.
  4. Fresh beets is recommended to apply previously rubbing on a grater, to Wen for the night. The top should be covered with a package and secure the bandage with adhesive plaster. The undeniable drawback of this method is the beets staining the skin. Therefore, it is applicable either at the weekend or when the location of the lipoma in those areas of the body where painted skin will be less noticeable.
  5. Another effective way offers us a folk medicine. It is to use the plant called the Golden mustache. Mashed fresh leaf should be applied on clean surface of the lump, then top to attach plastic sheeting, which should be slightly greater than the size of the treatedregion. On top of the film is to be applied for cotton fabric, securing it at the edges with adhesive plaster. This compress is recommended to be replaced every ten to twelve hours. The therapeutic effect occurs from the fifteenth to the twentieth day.
  6. Pre-peeled fresh garlic cloves medium size should be crushed in a mortar to a pulp. Then adding an equal volume amount of vegetable oil, mix the two ingredients and the resulting slurry with light massage movements to RUB into the lipoma. Repeat this procedure several times a day.
  7. Recommend mixing ammonia and water in equal parts, moisten a cotton swab and apply to the tumor 2-3 times per day. Once on the site of the lesion will appear cheesy mass should make a compress impregnated with 10% streptocidum ointment. By continuing such procedure, it is possible for twenty or thirty days to get rid of the tumor.
  8. Also propose a method based on the compresses, and the application of the tincture. Fresh burdock root should grind in a blender, then shifting in a sterile container, pour vodka in the ratio of 1 Cup of burdock roots you will need half a Cup of vodka. The mixture should be put in a dark place for thirty days. After the tincture has acquired its healing properties, it is necessary to drink twice a day half an hour before eating a tablespoon.

The effectiveness of alternative medicine

To assess the effectiveness of treatment by reduction in size or complete cure of the tumor. In some cases unconventional medicine provides an excellent and sustainable result, no re-growth of fat tissue. In some other cases, therapy does not bring visible improvement and the tumor remains the same size and shape. Despite all the efforts of the patient, such recipes do not lead to the desired result. It is also possible deterioration of the patient after the use of traditional medicine.

Much depends on the General condition of man, his desire to heal, as well as responsiveness of the body to the herbal treatment and in simple, accessible ways. If the patient takes the decision to use traditional medicine to get rid of lipomas or lipomatosis, it is still recommended to do it under the supervision of a specialist. Enough every three to four months to be screened to determine the status and size of tumors. This way you will be able to apply unconventional methods of treatment and to simultaneously control the process of tumor development, in order not to miss the moment when you will need surgery. If the patient fails to get rid of it with garlic and Golden mustache, then a medical report will be significant evidence. Thus, as a rule, you can prove that it used the traditional methods of treatment of Wen brought the expected results!