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How to apply Baziron Speakers from acne?

bazironNow there are many drugs for the treatment of acne – both local and General action. But, unfortunately, not all of them effective as you'd like, and safe. Therefore, the choice of tools for the treatment of acne should be treated with the utmost seriousness, and today we look at the cream Baziron from acne.

For a long time in solving this problem uses a substance such as benzoyl peroxide. He, as well as relatively low price (around 500-700 rubles) is the basis of popular acne cream Baziron AU, has many effects.

The Action Of The Baziron AU

  1. Suppression of growth of pathogenic bacteria;
  2. Oxidation and absorption of sebum;
  3. Preventing the formation of blackheads and clogged pores;
  4. Exfoliation of dead skin flakes;
  5. Improves oxygenation (oxygen to cells);
  6. Moisturizes the skin;
  7. Inactivates free radicals.


The ointment should be applied to the skin affected by acne, once a day. In a month you will reach good effect and lasting improvement will come in 3 months. Positive aspects of using – result-without habituation to part of the components that often happens when you use anti-inflammatory drugs. Microorganisms are not able to develop forms resistant to the drug. Bactericidal action also contributes to a strong oxidizing effect. The sebum absorbed by a special complex with glycerin, it soothes and moisturizes the skin.

Medications benzoyl-peroxide are produced in different concentrations:

  • 2.5%
  • 5%
  • 10%.

Gel Baziron AU contains 5% active substance. Do not purchase ointment with a high concentration – it increases the probability of getting skin irritation, and pimples disappear faster. You can apply the cream at night. The lack of Baziron – whitening effect in relation to hair and clothes, so be careful and let it dry completely. Read the instructions carefully before use. Thoroughly clean and dry the skin. Then apply the gel to the entire problem area, not just the individual lesions. A special scheme is in use will be prescribed by a doctor, if you are in doubt.

Side effects

  1. Irritation of the skin;
  2. Dryness;
  3. Peeling;
  4. Allergic reactions.

If you experience these symptoms, it is recommended to use together with drug moisturizer (but not greasy!). Also it is recommended to apply it through the day, or to use a smaller amount of gel, applying it in a thin layer. If these measures do not help, the drug should be canceled. It is not recommended to frequently use cosmetics in the treatment process, as it results in the opposite effect – began to purify pores clogged again, and re-develops inflammation and the appearance of new spots. If you have the opportunity, at the time of treatment give up the cosmetics at all, especially from a tonal and fine powder.

Contraindications and precautions

  1. The age of 12;
  2. The predisposition to allergies;
  3. href="http://acne.vsebolezni.com/pochemu-poyavlyayutsya-pryshhi-pri-beremennosti-i-kak-ix-lechit.html">Beremennosti and the breastfeeding period.

If the cream accidentally gets on the mucous membranes, flush them with water. Remember to avoid direct sunlight immediately after application of the pigmented spots, this causes irritation. It is impossible during the use of the drug use of drying or irritating drugs (alcohol), and spirits.

In case of overdose you may experience irritation. In this case, you should stop using the cream for a few days and try not to overdry the skin.

Baziron AU does not interact with other drugs, so it can be used in combination with other drugs, but it is better to decide on this after consultation with the doctor-cosmetologist.