Home / Make the skin perfect at home — reveal all the secrets

Make the skin perfect at home — reveal all the secrets

kak sdelat kozhu lica idealnoj v domashnih usloviyahMany women wonder, "How to make skin perfect?". The majority of them considers that to achieve this goal have to visit professional beauticians and spend a lot of money on expensive treatments. Yes, of course, it really is. However, there are certain methods by which you can significantly improve her condition. So, let's see in more details how to get perfect skin.

Little secrets

According to experts, very often we are to blame for the fact that the skin is poor. After all, its written off as our way of life and some habits. So try:

  • Do not consume alcohol;
  • To stop Smoking;
  • To walk in the fresh air at least three hours;
  • Do not eat fatty foods and spicy food;
  • Eat plenty of fish;
  • Eat only high quality foods that do not contain dyes and other harmful substances;
  • Once a week to do fasting days;
  • Try to avoid stress;
  • Sleep per night at least 9 hours;
  • Eliminate sugar, as it accelerates the aging process;
  • If you have the opportunity to sleep thirty minutes a day, do not miss this chance;
  • Do not sit long at the computer
  • Only use expensive creams that do not block pores;
  • Wash with cold water;
  • Do not abuse the Solarium;
  • Do not buy cosmetics is not known to you companies;

Cosmetics is a loyal friend

Thinking over how to achieve a perfect skin condition, we buy a variety of masks, creams, lotions. While almost no one thinks about the fact that all this "good" we handled it by making it more dry. Therefore, cosmetics should be used wisely, otherwise it's not helping, but rather hurting.

Buying a cream, be sure to look at his shelf life, and for what skin type it is intended. Remember, in any case can not buy for oily skin moisturizer, as this will only aggravate your problem. As for the combined type, you can buy any vehicle, but it is better to give preference to the fact cosmetic treatment which is designed specifically for your type. Because, as a rule, all the creams for combination skin contain in their composition a little bit of Foundationthat masks imperfections and evens its tone.

Wash properly

Of great importance is how you wash and how wash. According to scientists, need to wash no more than twice per day, as this procedure dry the face. Plus, it should be done with special tools. In addition, for oily skin it is best to choose a gelling agent, but for dry – cream. Can also use tonic water, but keep in mind, he in any case should not contain in its composition the alcohol. It is detrimental for the skin.

Pay attention to the fact that the positive effect on her condition affected by the mask. They should do no more than once a week. You can do them yourself or use bought. Their action is directed on food, rejuvenate and moisturize the face. The best href="http://acne.vsebolezni.com/golubaya-i-belaya-glina-ot-pryshhej-maski-iz-gliny-v-domashnix-usloviyax.html">mask based on clay and marine minerals.

Thus, there are three basic rules of healthy skin:

  1. Food;
  2. Purification;
  3. Hydration.

Popular recipes

As if we didn't treat people's recipes, but practice shows that they do bring positive result. Thus for the sake of justice it is worth noting that very often they are much better than expensive, branded cosmetics. Plus, this "emergency" will not require from you any financial costs.

So, the most effective folk recipes to improve the skin condition:

  • Mask of apples. Grate Apple on a fine grater, add to a saucepan with a little milk and egg yolk. Bring to a boil. Then apply the pulp on the face. After five minutes rinse.
  • Yolk mask. Egg yolk, mix with grated Apple and carrots. Apply to the face.
  • Birch. Young birch leaves simmer 2 hours. Then add water, a little margarine, lemon juice and carrots. Then add the "healing" elixir is a moisturizing cream. But remember, you need to add only before use. If you mix the whole jar of cream with the prepared liquid, after two days, your cosmetic product will deteriorate and will acquire an unpleasant odor. Please note that this is a very effective mask for dry face type, the result of which will be noticeable within five days.
  • Cucumber juice. Wipe your face with the juice of cucumber. This procedure is perfectly moisturizes and makes it matte.
  • Med. Apply honey on the skin and using guns fingers make a light massage. Necessary to wash off after it dries.
  • Strawberry mask. Take ripe strawberries and remember her. After that add the pulp of tangerine or other essential oil. Keep the mask for 20 minutes.

The most common mistakes in the fight for flawless skin

Many women, in an effort to make your skin more well-groomed, apply a tinted moisturizer. This is a big misconception. According to beauticians, it is absolutely impossible to apply to women who have some skin problems as it blocks the pores, preventing the epidermis to "breathe", resulting in exacerbates the problem. It is best to give your preference the base for the face. It will not create the feeling of the mask and evens the tone. Once applied, powder the T-zone.

Also, some believe that makeup is better rinse with hot water, as it helps rinse carcasses and other cosmetics from her face. Remember, in any case do not rinse the makeup hot water, as it injures the skin, causing a lot of stress.

As you can see, perfect skin facial at home is really. So do not waste your time and money going to beauty salons. You will be able to bring it in order. The main thing here – the desire and the right approach.

Good luck to you!