Home / What is more effective for removing age spots on face: home remedies or cosmetic?

What is more effective for removing age spots on face: home remedies or cosmetic?

pigmentnye pyatna na liceMany women are familiar with this unpleasant cosmetic defect, as a violation of the pigment coloration of the skin. Freckles and birthmarks, age spots pregnant women, age and sun spots collected in one General concept, and call them skin pigmentation. This not only puts women's physical appearance, but also causes certain psychological problems. Before figuring out how to get rid of age spots on the face, it is necessary to establish the cause of the formation of this cosmetic flaw. This will help a qualified dermatologist, after examination, and issuing the necessary recommendations. In case of pigment spots due to exposure to sunlight, first of all, you need to protect your skin. Hats with a wide brim, and caps with long visors will protect from the damaging effects of the sun. Do not forget about sunglasses and also cosmetics, which includes UV filters. Foods must contain adequate amounts of vitamins A, B and C.

How to get rid of age spots on face at home

There is a huge amount of “Granny” methods of treatment of age spots on the face, and everything you need for this is constantly every woman has on hand in sufficient quantities.

  1. Parsley. It is a great healer for the treatment of skin problems. Usually used the infusion made of parsley and 1 liter of boiling water. Greens crushed, pour water and insist for three hours. Infusion wipe the face morning and evening. This infusion you can also do whitening mask. For this he gets 20 minutes and periodically wetted wetted napkin. Well established for face wiping the juice of fresh parsley. It can also be mixed with milk or sour cream in equal parts and apply on the face. This will not only help to remove pigmentation, but also to give it a healthy look.
  2. Lemon juice is one of the most effective means to whiten pigmented skin. Tablespoon of juice diluted in 10 tablespoons of water. Ready solution to wipe the face several times a day. You can prepare a mask from starch and lemon juice. To do this, a tablespoon of starch is diluted with juice to a mushy consistency. This mask should be applied directly to areas of the formation of pigmentation for 20 minutes. It must be done very carefully, as lemon juice is not suitable for all skin types and can cause irritation.
  3. Cucumber juice is perfectly brightens and tones. You can also use fresh cucumber peel: a glass of boiling water brewed 50 grams of the rind. After 6 hours, the broth is ready to use.
  4. Dairy products is wonderful deduce pigmentation. From kefir, whey, yogurt or yogurt make gadgets. Procedure time – 15 minutes.
  5. The mask of black currant. For its preparation will need a tablespoon of honey and table spoon of not quite ripe currants. Products are carefully grind and apply as a mask on the pigmented areas of the face for half an hour. Then the mask should rinse with warm water and rinse with a solution of lemon juice.
  6. Mask of concoctions. This procedure is best done inwinter, when reduced solar activity. Powder concoctions mixed with hydrogen peroxide or vegetable oil to a mushy state, and then for 15 minutes rubbing motions applied to the problem areas. Will felt a small tingle. After a couple of days the skin begins to peel off, and therefore it must be constantly lubricated with a nourishing cream. This procedure can be done not more often than once a week until complete exfoliation of pigmented skin.
  7. The mask of raw potatoes. Grated raw potato is mixed with a few drops of vegetable oil, a tablespoon of milk and almond bran. The prepared mixture is applied on a clean face for 15 – 20 minutes.
  8. Mask of honey on fish oil. This mask is suitable for almost any age. It works well as young and aging and senile pigmented skin. Honey with fish oil mixed in equal quantities and applied for 15 minutes.
  9. Onion juice is an excellent remedy for bleaching pigment spots and freckles. The method is very simple: the juice of freshly cut onions, you need to clean the face. To prevent irritation on top is applied a thin layer of sour cream ten minutes, and then washed off with warm water. This method is suitable for dry and normal skin.
  10. Oatmeal soap from age spots. Oats should be crushed in a meat grinder, placed in nylon sock and well fixed. To use when washing instead of soap.
  11. Choleretic fees. Experts believe that the cause of pigmentation is often associated with excessive amount of bile in the body, so to help solve the problem of easy choleretic collection of corn silk, calendula, mint, chamomile and birch leaves.

With such simple recipes, almost every woman will be able to lighten pigment spots, making them less noticeable. After the procedure the skin it is recommended to lubricate a nourishing cream. You must understand that the visible effect can only be achieved with patience and perseverance, making these procedures several times a day.

How to remove spots using the tools of modern cosmetic industry

Long white cosmetic clay is widely used in the fight against pigmentation. You can buy it in any pharmacy. Use this tool as a mask. You need the clay to mix with lemon juice to a paste consistency and apply on problem areas for 20 minutes. A proven tool for removal of age spots – the cream “Skinoren”. There are a huge number of cosmetic and pharmacological agents, eliminating pigmentation. They are designed for different types of skin and have a whitening and exfoliating effect. Peels, masks and creams successfully help to cope with the problem. The composition of these drugs are acids (salicylic, citric, lactic, tartaric, glycolic, etc.) which make the face cleaner and whiter. For women who are not straitened in means, there is a range of salon treatments for removing pigmentation. Wellproved chemical peel, in which the removal of the top layer of the epidermis, and along with it – and hated age spots. The method of cryoapplication (the effects of liquid nitrogen) and erbium laser is also used in the treatment of this cosmetic flaw. Very very popular photorejuvenation. This procedure eliminates small wrinkles and lightens areas of pigmentation. Salon treatments done by a qualified expert will help to whiten the skin and enrich it with oxygen and get rid of slagging. Every woman needs to decide for itself how and what method to deal with skin pigmentation, however, it is necessary carefully to weigh everything and consult with a specialist, so as not to create risk to their health.