Home / Desincrustation of the skin in cosmetics: methods, indications and contraindications

Desincrustation of the skin in cosmetics: methods, indications and contraindications

dezinkrustaciya licaDesincrustation, or galvanic facial – this is the way in which using a constant electric current of small force conducting deep cleansing of the skin.

It is easily removed comedones education, which are formed due to blockage of pore tubes, consisting of a mixture of sebum, dead cells and microorganisms. Distinguish open and closed comedones. Open have the appearance of black spots, their content communicates with the environment and closed – the white dots are deep and not communicating with the outside world.

Blackheads are not only unsightly, but over time you begin to become inflamed, because sebum and dead skin cells are a great environment for living and reproduction of microorganisms. Thus there are ugly acne, which, depending on the depth of the process, can leave behind scars. In this regard, with comedones must be fought, and desincrustation is a great way to such a struggle.

Such a procedure can be carried out even for sensitive skin. Depending on the type of skin beautician assigns the best mode of carrying out dezinkrustatsii for a specific person. The effect is visible already after the first procedure, and if done at regular intervals, you can forget about problematic skin forever.

Who needs dezinkrustatsii?

This cosmetic procedure, like any other, has its indications and contraindications. Spend it with:

  • oily skin type;
  • a large number of comedones on the face;
  • acne (juvenile acne);
  • seborrhoea – increased sebum by the sebaceous glands.

There are diseases in which carry out galvanic cleaning is contraindicated. These include:

  • vitiligo is a disease characterized by the disappearance of pigmentation in certain areas of the epidermis;
  • molluscum contagiosum is an infectious disease caused by a virus and occurs mostly in children;
  • malignant neoplasms.

If the patient is pacemaker, it is strictly prohibited to carry out this procedure, since electrical current affects the operation of the stimulator and can seriously harm the health of the patient.

If a person has gold or platinum dentures, it is also impossible to undergo this procedure because the shock knocks ions from metals, and these ions can harm your health.

What is the principle of action of the galvanic current on the epidermis?

In order to clean the pores, removing of grease, the pores expand and the fat it is advisable to dissolve, it is removed much easier. Fats, or triglycerides, can react with the alkali, forming Soaps, which are easily washed from the skin surface.

When conducting dezinkrustatsii use special alkaline solutions, referred to as disincrustant. Under the influence of electric current from the solution emits ions that interact with the fats, causing them to saponification.

Moreover, under the influence of the electrodes reveals the pores that contributes to the best of their cleansing, normalizes the sebum glands of fat, thereby reducing the risk of blackheads and acne in the future.

Galvanic cleaning not only helps clean the pores,but also slightly tightens the skin making it more elastic. This effect is due to the tonic effect of the galvanic current on the blood vessels.

Under the current loosened the top layer of cells, thereby get a good exfoliation, and face after the procedure, it seems whiter, fresher and healthier.

As the skin is cleansed with dezinkrustatsii?

The whole process of purification can be divided into several stages:

  1. Under a negatively charged electrode (cathode) accumulate alkaline ions " + " sign, and penetrate into the dermis, where they react with the fats, forming Soaps with them. The pH of skin changes to a more alkaline.
  2. Cell membranes under the action of the ions become more permeable for different molecules, and these molecules start to move from cells to the extracellular matrix and Vice versa.
  3. The water begins to pull the molecules a to the cathode. This effect helps to improve blood flow and lymph flow to the epidermis, thereby pores enlarged and easier to clean. If the cathode and anode (positively charged electrode) to swap, there will be an outflow of blood and lymph from the face, and the pores narrowed.

How to carry out this procedure?

This cosmetic procedure is completely painless and takes 15-20 minutes. While it may seem that nothing happens, because while desincrustation carried out, the patient is comfortably in the chair, holding one of the electrodes.

To begin with, the beautician cleanses the face from surface contamination through rinsing. Then puts on a face cloth dampened with a solution of disincrustant, and processes by using the cathode, anode at this time is in the hand of the patient. After that the beautician changes the electrodes in some places, and again handles the face in order to tighten the pores. The whole saponified grease and other impurities clean by cloth and the procedure ends.

In leather processing, special attention is paid to the so-called T-zone – forehead, nose and chin. It is in these areas is the most sebaceous glands, because there often appear pimples and black spots. If necessary, you can clean and other body areas – the back, décolleté, etc. it All depends on the skin characteristics and desires of the patient.

As a solution-disincrustant most often used 10% aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda.

Carry out the procedure recommended several courses at regular intervals. An important advantage dezinkrustatsii, among other things, is that it can be combined with other procedures of cleansing and beauty products that will help you achieve the best results for a beautiful clear skin.