Home / How to cook mash for acne chloramphenicol at home?

How to cook mash for acne chloramphenicol at home?

boltushka ot pryshejA lot of people around the world concerned about the problem of pimples that appear so out of place and spoiling the life of their existence. Blackheads, pustules, inflammation countless intoxicate mood and reduce the attractiveness of being able to even seriously affect self-esteem. People frantically buying all kinds of cosmetic products starting from the cheapest to the elite "super-drugs", experimenting, ingesting questionable pills. Interestingly, many do not suspect that perhaps the problem lies... within! Therefore, if you are plagued by acne, be sure to get tested together with an external treatment. Going to the beautician, too, would be superfluous – do not engage in uncontrolled squeezing, it exacerbates the problem.

Don't forget to properly care for your skin – have it thoroughly cleaned and protected from drying out. What tool to use to treat existing acne – to you. The so-called mash from acne usually prepared in the pharmacy by prescription. It is effective for acne in mild and moderate lesions, is a lotion applied once a day. The best talker will bring, if the acne is not too bad. To optimally apply it before going to sleep, not washing. Remember that the formula includes substances that are chemically strong (alcohol, sulfur, menthol, zinc), so you should very carefully apply it, so as not to overdry the skin, and in the worst case instead of pure leather not to get a nasty burn. You can make a mash on its own, at home.

Homemade recipes mash from acne

Mixture with chloramphenicol

Mix the following components:

  • Chloramphenicol (2 parts);
  • Boric acid (1 part);
  • Sulfur ( 2.5 parts);
  • Aspirin (2.5 parts);
  • Alcohol medical (90%).

Take a cotton pad, moisten it with the returned part and wipe the problem areas. In fact, a chatterbox, you can replace your daily toner.

Tip: the effect will be even better if at the time of treatment to refuse from salty, fried and sweet. Of course, proper diet is better to observe always, but it's especially important for skin problems, as any error in diet are reflected instantly on the face.

Prater Park with salicylic acid and with soap

This recipe took 2nd place in popularity. Mix the following components:

    • 7 g of sulfur (necessarily precipitated);
    • 7, streptocid;
    • 50 ml R-RA of boric acid;
    • 50 ml R-RA of salicylic acid (2%).

The method of using the same.

Mixture with erythromycin

And this cooking technique is recommended for the most severe cases, as this includes the erythromycin – the strongest antibiotic. But it is not recommended to use this mash for a very long time it reduces the susceptibility of the skin and its protective properties. Mix the following components:

  • zinc oxide 4 g;
  • erythromycin 4 g;
  • salicylic acid (2%);
  • boric acid (2%). Both acids it is necessary to take 50 grams.

Tip: the effect will be noticeable, if you combine the treatment with the mixture with washing with tar soap, and soap on goat milk (orsuch washing agents containing milk casein, which perfectly protects the skin from drying out).

Tips for use

Side effects of the batter is, but, if they occur, that is mainly from improper use. Usually people hear about the new miracle tool, begin to smudge them day and night, if only to speed up the healing process. Remember! Dealing talker more than once per day, you risk to worsen the condition of your skin and cause even more serious problems! Do not RUB it with the zeal of a student, you desiccate the skin, and pimples will remain.

Some are puzzled – like and is applied to the tool as expected, the concentrations observed, and little effect... Here is another thing – when you put the talker, the skin in the next day susceptible to temperature changes, dust, dirt, cosmetics. Try to limit the impact on the face of these adverse factors. Do not think that if you are being treated for acne, you can use a ton of makeup. Concealer is not a good ally means from acne. What you "cleaned" in the evening, you "score" again the next day powders and creams. The ideal in this respect, baby cream, either plain panthenol.

With proper use of mash you will succeed – believe me, if all the rules he'd come.